Lawmakers Blast Rating Agencies for Role in Financial Crisis

By and Rachelle Youngla | October 23, 2008

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:37 pm
    Bob says:
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    I find it incredible that the Congress is always the first to start the blame game whenever anything goes wrong. Won’t these bums ever take responsibility for anything?
    Between the House and the Senate there are more crooks and thieves then in the Mafia.

    When are the American people going to wake up and point the blame finger at our legislators for our current situation? They are supposed to be running this country. Let’s hold them accountable.

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:41 pm
    Jamie says:
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    Bob, Hopefully we will ALL wake up and shake up on November 4th!!!

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:49 pm
    JD says:
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    Our lawmakers, of both parties, have certainly erred, but someone needs to take the lead in sorting this mess out. That job generally falls to Congress. Would you rather no one take control and investigate? Do you know of someone else who should take over and investigate? Even if a independent investigator were chosen, Congress would likely choose that person.

    So, while I feel your anger, let’s get real. Someone has to do something. Let Congress do their thing now and let voters do theirs at election time.

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:56 pm
    Blame to go around says:
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    Rating agencies should take this as they are supposed to be the canary in the mineshaft. leting us know there is no air..they failed………Congress (under Clinton) changed Freddie and Fannie to make banks sell mortgagees to people who could not afford them with the backing of these institutions (helps on the campain trail) ……AIG jumped in and said hey we want some of this also…we want ALOT of it…….They failed………… and the people who filled out the “LIAR LOANS” that put down income that they have no dream of making so that they can KEEP UP WITH THE JONES” THEY ARE TO BLAME….. Who pay’s: you and me….the ones who do the right thing………Yea you figure this one out……Oh BTW on Nov 4th…..yep I will vote every single congress person OUT OF OFFICE…….Voting liberterian and throwing my vote AWAY!!!!!!!

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:59 pm
    Bill says:
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    Can you imagine what Fannie and Freddie will get us into with the new Repo Government. Reed, Pelosi & Obama.
    Fannies new loan guidelines, anyone working for Acorn will automatically get a loan. No job no problem.

    Not Bushes problem, Current administration warned congress in 2005. McCain presented legislation, rejected by the Senate, thanks to lobbying efforts of Fannie and Freddie, Oh by the way Obama got the 2nd most contributions from Fannie and Freddie.

    Show up Nov 4th and get rid of the real problem, congress.

  • October 23, 2008 at 1:40 am
    Another Bob says:
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    The Republican Party lost this country because they got too hung up in religion, bashing Gays, worrying about abortion, and all the other stuff that has nothing to do with economincs. I’m still voting Republican this election, but they better get the nonsense out of governing and get back to being the Party of economic managing and proper distribution of tax dollars.

    Because they mucked it up so much with their Holy Wars, they are losing the country this election, and that’s sad. It will take some time to get it back. Let the Religious Right start their own party and get out of the GOP.

    The GOP is meant for conservative economics. Now it’s lost and what they spent so much time worrying about is going to happen anyway. Don’t forget, Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco, the most Liberal district in the country. And Harry Reid is such a whimp, he’ll roll along with her.

  • October 23, 2008 at 2:47 am
    Another Bob says:
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    Remember the separation of Church and State? The GOP is supposed to defend the Constitution. Keep the Church the Church, and the State the State. Economics is what the GOP should be concentrating on (it’s part of the State).

    The Religious Right brought us down. Now we have to get back up, but we went so deep in the hole, it’s going to take a heck of a lot more time.

    Maybe they can start a Church Party to do their bidding. Leave it in the Church. Don’t use the GOP as the hammer.

    Or maybe they can donate some of their money to the Government to help with this mess. =)

  • October 23, 2008 at 3:03 am
    Bill says:
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    Still trying to understand, How did the Church bring us down? When did morals become a bad thing economically? A little too much MSNBC, CNN, CBS or ABC. Turn your TV off. It is funny the other day Obama said he would be up 3% if it were not for Fox news. The real question should be where would his poll numbers be if it were not for CNN or NBC, CBS or ABC.

  • October 24, 2008 at 9:54 am
    Another Bob says:
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    Reagan, you’re just an idiot and don’t deserve a response. As for Bill, what I’m trying to say is the GOP got away from their basic duty, which is to manage the economy. Conservative economics. They were spending too much time on the other nonsense, and not enough on the economy. The GOP needs to get back in the right direction.

    During Reagan’s rein, they were not getting hung up in all the social stuff and were doing the right thing. After Bush came in they just started going berserk on social stuff and worrying too much about appeasing the preachers.

  • October 24, 2008 at 10:34 am
    JD says:
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    Hey Bill, why don’t you go live in the middle east if you want religion in the government. I hear they got lots of freedoms over there.

  • October 24, 2008 at 12:08 pm
    Bill says:
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    Another Bob, I agree! I think the 94 congress with Newt as leader is what we need now. I just think we need to make the distinction between fiscal responsibility and moral character. We need both but should not confuss ourselves into thinking that having good morals got us into our financial crisis. I understand better your position now.

  • October 24, 2008 at 12:13 pm
    Bill says:
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    JD, Does that stand for Jihadist dissatisfied with America. Well JD, I think I will stay due to the fact our country was founded on Judeo Christian values of which I am sure you have none. Maybe you should leave due to your dissatsfaction with our country. Let me guess who you are voting for. I understand another Bobs positon now and your comment is why we need better morals and for that matter manners.

  • October 24, 2008 at 3:59 am
    JD says:
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    And you think republicans can provide those morals? Hardly.

    Newt Gingrich – had an on going affair while his wife was dying of cancer AND while he was leading the witch hunt against Clinton. Several other republicans were found to be having affairs as well.

    Republican Congressman from Idaho propositioned a police officer at the Minneapolis airport.

    Republican congressman from Florida writes inappropriate e-mails to congressional pages.

    Republican congressman from Alaska indicted.

    Republican from congressman from Texas, Tom Delay.

    All the republicans tied to Jack Abramoff.

    The list goes on and on. Now, I am not saying democrats are any better. Just pointing out to you that republicans are no more morally upstanding than democrats.

    Oh and Billy Boy, our founding fathers were adamant about the separation of church and state. Something the Religous right seems to conveniently forget when trying to push their agenda.

    I’d lay odds I have higher moral values and standards than you could possibly imagine.

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