What 19 Years in Insurance Has Taught Me

Working at my computer the other day, it hit me that the most recent crop of college graduates were not even born when I graduated from high school and they were no more than three when I entered the world of insurance upon graduation from college. Beyond making me feel old, it made me think about what I have learned in my 19-year insurance career. Granted 19 years is a short time to many readers, but it’s enough to have “paid some dues” and seen the insurance world change.

When I entered the insurance world, no one I knew had access to the Internet; cell phones were rare and cost a lot; and you had to ask someone if they had a fax machine. Typewriters were used and certificate holders were more than patient enough to wait three days for the mail to deliver the needed COIs. Otherwise known as the “good old days.”

The new entrants into the incredible field of insurance think they already have it figured out, as did I. And I bet that if you more experienced folks think back to when you joined the industry, you had all figured out as well. Oh, the brashness of youth.

This is not an all-inclusive list of what I’ve learned, but it is representative. After you read this, tell me what you’ve learned in your career. The new generation needs our help more than they are willing to admit.

Added by Pierre Michel-Fuez
Wordings & Technical Specialist
Lloyd’s Syndicate 1183 – Talbot Underwriting Ltd