‘Top Cop’ SEC Newly Aggressive in Attack on Wall Street Fraud

By | August 18, 2009

  • August 18, 2009 at 1:22 am
    Not Impressed says:
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    Now if he would just investigate Goldman Sachs and the Obama connection, thats where the real corruption and fraud is. But we all know thats not going to happen.

  • August 18, 2009 at 2:19 am
    Sober Up or Shut Up says:
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    Good looney right wing tactic–make a crazy accusation (for example “death panel”) and then fly off. Distract attention from the very serious problems that have been caused by letting our rigged market (the naive among us still call it “our free market”) run amok and gore us all so that people who should GO TO JAIL don’t in fact GO TO JAIL.

    Put some of these Wall Street creeps IN JAIL. That’ll get the reform ball rolling a little.

    As for the SEC, the old practice has to go–you know, the old routine where the SEC gets a consent agreement, the company admits no guilt and the company (i.e. its shareholders and not its crooked executives) pays the fine. With that soft approach, the legal, evidentiary field is so messed up that no criminal suits can be brought against the criminals in suits. Enough with that corrupt ritual. Let’s see some crooks GO TO JAIL, starting at the top.

    Let’s not squabble over partisan issues–that’s what the powerful want the little people to do. Let’s put CROOKS in JAIL.

  • August 18, 2009 at 2:34 am
    Astro says:
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    I couldn’t agree with your statement more. GS, AIG, Obama, Paulson…..all need to be investigated. Too bad it’ll never happen b/c it’s in too many powerful peoples best interests not to do so.

    GOLDMAN +AIG + OBAMA + SEC= crooks.

  • August 18, 2009 at 5:55 am
    FedUp says:
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    ok: everyone’s angry….
    Here’s my take on this: The SEC audited Madoff SIX times in 9 years and gave him a clean bill o’ health !
    Don’t tell me there wasn’t/isn’t corruption & payoffs at the SEC, then and NOW !
    Madoff had to have been paying out HUGE sums (yes, likely in cash) to keep his crooked scheme afloat !
    As we speak, the same bulls__t is going-on.
    And worse the crooks, connivers , & oh yes, shylocks who brewed up that financial collapse are still doing their dirty deeds right now :-this very minute !
    Nothing can stop them, so be warned & beware
    Put you money in an FDIC insured bank and PRAY the FDIC is solvent

  • August 18, 2009 at 6:28 am
    Maxine says:
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    I agree 100% – unfortunately for the American people, we carry the brundt of the load of these scoundrels!! there are many others problems looming not just this!
    pretty sad indeed.

  • August 19, 2009 at 7:14 am
    Impressed says:
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    Well said! I too think that the right/left spin all too often serve only to cloud issues like this. You know the old sayings, where there’s smoke, there’s fire? What about, if it looks like a crook, smells like a crook and acts like a crook…I just want people to ask, where the hell did all that money from my 401(k) go, if not into someone’s pocket? Consent decress do nothing and are but a wink and a nod…after these folks get canned at the SEC, WHERE do you think they will find work? What about one of those non-compete agreements? they can serve time just like any other crook if the crimes were only prosecuted to the fullest instead of letting them off the hook, presumably to save the taxpayers money? We all lost with the current system.

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