Travelers Sees Record Profits

January 26, 2010

  • January 26, 2010 at 1:54 am
    Jay says:
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    Are from doubling premiums in NJ! And then using that premium to invest. Sick.

  • January 26, 2010 at 2:03 am
    Compman says:
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    Sorry NJ, you are the armpit of America and deserve everything you get.

  • January 26, 2010 at 2:19 am
    memcom says:
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    Suspect this is as a result of Vodoo Accounting!

  • January 26, 2010 at 3:01 am
    Obama says:
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    That evil company making a profit, may need to Nationalize all of insurance.

  • January 26, 2010 at 3:37 am
    Allan says:
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    Um, didn’t Henry Paulson do most of the Nationalizing under Bush? I think the only thing that Obama has nationalized was GM after they came crawing to Washington DC begging for a bailout and filed chapter 11.

  • January 26, 2010 at 4:31 am
    Obama says:
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    Allen – agreed as to AIG & Bush.
    As far as GM, they were given to the unions who own the largest share.
    But in my opinion, Obama has bigger plans on the health care insurance side.

  • January 26, 2010 at 4:50 am
    Summerdog says:
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    That TCR is insane. Does anyone have any serious comments on how they are doing this? Is their underwriting, claims and loss control that GOOD?!

  • January 26, 2010 at 4:59 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Need I say more?

  • January 26, 2010 at 5:55 am
    Allan says:
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    Say what you want about Obama. Our broken health care system is helping to add billions to our national debt, costs keep rising, less people are being covered and insurance denials (policy rescinding) are common place.

  • January 26, 2010 at 6:51 am
    Insider says:
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    The reason for the low ratio is they don’t pay claims…and are going direct.

  • January 27, 2010 at 7:18 am
    Allan says:
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    As I stated before, I really don’t need to look past my own grand parents who are and were covered by Medicare. They never had any problems with not being covered.

    So, whatever problems you’ve heard from others with Medicare, find a solution now because we’re all going to be covered by it someday.

  • January 27, 2010 at 9:41 am
    Rick says:
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    I think it’s great!

    Should make Democrats happy as their tax bill is higher!

    They should also be complemented as they needed no TARP $!

  • January 27, 2010 at 9:52 am
    Otto says:
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    It’s not insurance companies increasing the national debt. It’s government programs! The government needs no profit, they can rely on tax payers to bail them out, our just print money.

    Government is too big. The bigger it gets the less freedom for the people and closer to the financial abyss we get.

  • January 27, 2010 at 9:55 am
    Otto says:
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    I forgot to mention Medicare & Medicaid deny more claims then the free market health insurance companies. You need to do more reading.

  • January 27, 2010 at 10:21 am
    AZ Ins Man says:
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    Unless you want socialism that this president is attempting to install due to his power hungry method of redistributing wealth. If you work and make a profit, LEGALLY!, you are evil!! If you LAY ON A F—ING COUCH, you are Obama’s favorite person. There is NO ONE without access to healthcare. Go to an E.R. and see all the illegals and unemployed people standing inline for the BEST healthcare in the world. You liberals are going to ruin it.
    You had your ONE year to quadruple the deficit you screamed so loud about when it was 1/4 of the balance now. This community organizer has spent more than ALL former presidents combined!@!!!!@

    wakeup. America is the BEST country in the world BECAUSE of Capitalism!!!

    Without it, we are a socialist mess and wealthy people, WHO CREATE 66% OF ALL EMPLOYMENT, will take their money and not take risk and start businesses TO employ you liberals.

    You had your 12 months and look at the MESS you made. NEVER again. You will have to wait another 20+ years to have both branches of govt. at your disposal to ruin this further.

    ONE TERM obama. Thank GOD!

  • January 27, 2010 at 11:45 am
    Allan says:
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    Both of my grandmothers were on Medicare. One lived to be 90 and the other 86. Both had bad health ailments and were in and out of the hospital for a long time. Both of them were NEVER denied any coverge at anytime.

    My remaining grandfathers are on Medicare and report no problems so far.

    While on the other hand, the private health insurance companies still practice policy rescinding. Ever hear of Ian’s Law?

    Also why does David Walker (former comptroller of the GAO) and Robert Bixby of the Concord Coalition along with other non-partisan organizations say the our health care system contributes largely to our national debt?

  • January 27, 2010 at 12:05 pm
    SM says:
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    Travelers has consistently been a conservative company when it comes to capital management and underwriting guidelines. That is why their earnings are truly only volative during times of CAT activity. When the market is booming, they are viewed as old school and boring because of their conservative investment portfolio, but when the market is tanking or in flux they are viewed as a “solid investment”.

  • January 27, 2010 at 12:18 pm
    Thats easy says:
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    Its easy to profit when you refuse to pay 1st party claims. I have had more BS denials and coinsurance penalties with them more than any other carrier.

  • January 27, 2010 at 12:22 pm
    Thats easy says:
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    Because, hospitals MUST treat illegals, poor and anyone who walks in, even if it truly is NOT an emergency.

    As it was put by a director of a large hospital network just yesterday morning… healthcare is broken, not health insurance. Congress is trying to fix the wrong thing.

  • January 27, 2010 at 1:46 am
    Otto says:
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    Facts are stubborn things!

    Medicare and Medicaid deny more claims than private carriers on a per claim basis and a % to numbers.

    Do some research!

  • January 27, 2010 at 1:46 am
    Allan says:
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    Doesn’t the director rely on insurance payments to stay in business?

  • January 27, 2010 at 3:16 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    Which stands to reason, if the insurance companies were “always denying claims” wouldn’t the director say “something has to be done about all these denied claims”.

    @ Otto, do you have a source that proves that Medicare denies more claims then insurance companies?

    Back @ Allan
    This isnt a popular opinon, but here is a question. Now, keep in mind I am not on the insurance company’s side or Mr. Pearl’s, but there is a question I want to ask. Because Mr. Pearl has lots of claims and obviously his insurer is losing lots of money on him, if the company is still solevent, they had to increase their rates in order to compensate for his expendatures. Now, that being said, all the OTHER clients had to pay more, or risk having the insurer go under, and then ALL of them would be without insurance.

    People that see insurance companies in a negitive light should think about “what if the insurance company goes under because there are laws to prevent them from dropping you or not accpeting your policy in the first place”. Answer, if that insurance company goes under because they can not stay solvent, how many other people will lose their insurance? Also something that I thought of. If I read the article right, Ian’s law states that an insurer can’t drop you, even if you have an extreamly high claim rate. So that means any Joe Doe that has the sniffles can run to the doctor and make his insurer pay for it. Yet everyone expect insurance companies to lower their rates but pay more claims at the same time.

    All that being said, I hope nothng but the best for Mr. Pearl and am glad for his victory on staying insured. I remember seeing a news report on him, and some of the things that were said about him by some people were horrible and down right cruel.

  • January 27, 2010 at 4:10 am
    Otto says:
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    Claim denial % per Healthcare Economist 6/30/2008:

    Medicare 6.9% Aetna 6.8% balance of insurers between 2.7% to 4.6%

  • January 27, 2010 at 4:22 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    Do you have a link?

  • January 27, 2010 at 5:06 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    Thanks Otto

  • January 27, 2010 at 5:11 am
    Otto says:
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    What surprises me most is people like Allan, who compete in one of the most competitive industries, do not understand that competition brings out excellence.

  • February 1, 2010 at 9:47 am
    Free Man says:
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    ” A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, while a fool’s heart inclines him to the left”…

    A wise man would say – “Buy Travelers Stock”, a fool would say “sic the government on the Travelers”.

  • February 1, 2010 at 10:03 am
    Outsourcing not right..... says:
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    They are doing A LOT of Outsourcing……..Obama needs to stop big companies from outsourcing our jobs….

  • February 1, 2010 at 10:42 am
    Karl Marx Von Mao says:
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    Danged capitalists !! Stop making money, and stop providing jobs for those tens of thousands!!!

  • February 1, 2010 at 11:47 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    It is quite noticeable how you seem to truly support Obama, and you try madly to defend him, but over and over in different posts, you realize your man is failing. Just let it go!!!!!

  • February 2, 2010 at 11:25 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    Did you notice how virtually everyone below is bastardizing the profit making??????????/

    These are the cult followers of leader Barack Hussein Obama! He’s evidently convinced a large number of people that making money, earning profit and spending money is BAD BAD BAD!!! Can’t help but recall Jim Jones of Guyana, for those of you old enough.

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