Rockhill Introduces Lead Safe Contractors Pollution Coverage

Rockhill’s National Environmental Coverage Corp. (NECC) environmental unit has released a new lead safe contractors professional liability (CPL) program in response to new rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that requires contractors performing work on homes, schools, or child-care facilities to comply with new Lead Paint Safe regulations.

These regulations will require artisan, trade, and general contractors who are performing renovation, repair, or painting projects that may disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 to be certified and follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. The new EPA rule will be effective April 22, 2010. According to Kenneth Schneider, senior vice president, Environmental for Rockhill, these new EPA rules will require contractors to be trained and certified by an EPA approved entity.

The Lead Safe CPL coverage form is designed specifically for trade, artisan, and general contractors and addresses the pollution related exposures associated with renovation, repair, or painting projects in pre-1978 homes, schools, and child-care facilities. Affordable minimum premiums and limits varying from $250,000 to $1 million are available. Deductibles start at $500. Submission requirements include a standard Acord General Liability form and a simplified Rockhill Lead Safe Supplemental Application.

Source: Rockhill Insurance