Schinnerer Offers Kidnap, Ransom Coverage for Houses of Worship

Victor O. Schinnerer & Co. Inc. has created a new kidnap and ransom program for houses of worship.

Schinnerer’s Houses of Worship program is available to churches and religious organizations of any size or denomination. Insured persons can include directors, officers, employees, volunteers, mission attendees, students, chaperones, consultants and independent contractors.

“Houses of worship are not immune to threats of violence. Both domestically and internationally, religious organizations are experiencing an increase in cases of kidnap and extortion – especially those that do work overseas while on world missions or attending conferences,” said Sarah Katz, assistant vice president of Schinnerer’s Kidnap & Ransom program.

The policy provides coverage for the following types of events:

In addition to houses of worship, Schinnerer’s Kidnap & Ransom program provides coverage for a variety of industries and high-net worth individuals.

Source: Victor O. Schinnerer