Senate Ends Stalemate Over Financial Reforms; Debate to Begin

By and | April 29, 2010

  • April 29, 2010 at 12:31 pm
    Bwarney Fwank says:
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    Why not Fannie or Freddie?

    Why dont we just come out with a new Obama and Congress proclamation – “BUSINESS IS BAD AND GOVERNMENT IS GOOD”

  • April 29, 2010 at 1:08 am
    Buckeye says:
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    Reasonable people can certainly disagree, but it would appear the Republicans have once again been played like a fiddle. The Senate Republicans seem to be nothing more than Democrat-light based on how easily they seem to cave on some very important issues.

    So the threat of bringing in cots is all it took to “persuade” them to concede? It’s time to put on the big boy and girl pants and get down to business. The answer should have been something along the lines of: “Great! I’ll bring the beer and snacks so we can have a big time slumber party. Strap yourselves in, though, Dodd and friends because it could be a wild ride.”

    The Republicans need to stop with the collegial appeasement approach and understand the Democrats are engaging in no holds barred, hand-to-hand political combat.

    Do they think the Democrats are really that upset the bailout provision is off the table? That is if it is even off the table. All the Democrats have to do down the road is create yet another crisis in order to “justify” the need for a bailout.

    I think the adults in the room fully understand that Wall Street is not a grade school playground. There are winners and losers….always have been and always will be. However, it has been a wealth-generating machine for millionaires and middle class people alike.

    We certainly need to ensure laws are not broken and regulations are enforced. However, the Senate hearing yesterday was nothing more than bad theatre and a monumental grandstanding opportunity for Senators such as Carl Levin.

    The Republicans need to step up and do what is right for the American people and stop playing politics. A good start would be to challenge the entire premise of the debate by screaming from the rooftops that government malfeasance was at the core of the financial meltdown. Regulators were all over Fannie and Freddie. However, not only did Congress refuse to act, they were in on the action and chose instead to acuse regulators of being wrong and even went as far as busting out the race card. All one has to do is get out the C-Span tapes to get a first hand view.

    I, for one, am not banking on the political revolution some expect in November. Two reasons: 1) the American people seem way too uninformed and, therefore, susceptible to political spin and 2) true statesmen are nowhere to be found. Without an almost complete reversal of advances made by the progressive / liberal, I think we are doomed.

  • April 29, 2010 at 1:14 am
    Sad sam says:
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  • April 29, 2010 at 3:35 am
    Mike N says:
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    I do not think the characterization of Republicans as leftist lite is really fair in this instance. The Republicans also offered a bill, and many of the aspects that differentiatied the Republican bill from the leftist nightmare hell were adopted in order for this to enter debate. And I think we can all agree that some improvements need to be made to teh system, but primarily to keep the political shennanigans (read: leftist morons) from screwing up wall street (and Main Street) again.

    Note, this did not pass the bill. Rather, it allowed debate ot begin on the bill. The Republicans still have the chance to fillibuster before the vote.

    At the same time, no regulation has been placed on Fannie or Freddie, which along with Dodd, Frank and the congressional black caucus (nice racist name, by the way!), were the primary causes of the financial meltdown.

    If I was an elected Republican I would be constantly driving the role of congress home. That is the way the ensure the leftist morons are held to account for their tyranny.

  • April 29, 2010 at 4:33 am
    John Edwards says:
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    I am so sick of financial idiots, congressmen or media outlets, politicians talking about something they themselves dont know or understand.

    What caused the crisis is politicians trying to regulate guys that are financialy way beyond themselves. It is actually funny watching CEO’s of the largest investment banking firm in the world try to discuss complicated financial instruments with guys who never have even had an honest job in the private sector. Ie; John Kerry, John McCain, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, and even our illustrious community organizer president Barack Obama.

    Ok, you answer this question.

    Financial smackdown:
    Bwarney Fwank -vs- Bernie Maddoff,
    who wins?

  • April 30, 2010 at 10:00 am
    Buckeye says:
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    My only point on the Democrat-light comment is that the Republicans seem to always default to the “go along to get along” strategy. All the while the Democrat Party, which is liberal through and through since the radically left leadership directs the votes, forges ahead with its liberal agenda.

    Making bad bills a little better still results in a bad piece of legislation. Whether the issue is a bad bill or inserting amendments unrelated to the issue (e.g. student loan amendment to a health care bill) the Republicans need to call out the Democrats and simply say “NO!!”

    A symbolic stand followed up by bad leadership, appeasement and, ultimately, damaging legislation means nothing at the end of the day. We need need strong, principled leadership from our elected officials.

    The list of government control and spending is endless… care, regulation on top of regulation, unemployment benefits, bailouts, stimulus, etc. Regardless of the snake oil or crisis of the day, we are allowing the Democrate Party to spend us into oblivion. The Republican Party is responsible as long as go along with it and refuse to take a stand based on conservative principle.

    The advancement of freedom and liberty is the goal. We simply do not want the government to do things for us unless it is specifically addressed in the Constitution. They work for us and we simply need to fire them if they do not do what is right for the American people.

  • October 1, 2012 at 12:55 pm
    Hloniphile says:
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    The whole point of the thing was a reminder of the cerims of the past, not an endorsement. What, and his collection of confederate flags? An expression of his enthusiasm for the hobby of vexillology?Calling the nearest brown person the French-African word for nigger? Nothing more than his expansive vocabulary at work, right?C’mon, Jay. The guy’s more racist than a Kentucky Derby. America dodged a bullet or maybe a noose now that he’s out for good.

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