U.S. Being Bankrupted By Disasters, Professor Tells Federal Reserve

May 17, 2010

  • May 17, 2010 at 8:09 am
    Serge A. Strong says:
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  • May 17, 2010 at 12:32 pm
    Nat X says:
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    No, the U.S. is being bankrupted by governments who spend money without any restraint whatsoever. Why shouldn’t they? After all, it’s not their money.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:37 pm
    John says:
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    The government spent more on disasters in the past 20 years than ever before. This is because the US Govt has a new goal… Since FDR, the goal has been to take over, not allow to prosper. We see it clearly today liberals in power. However we’ve been heading down this path for a long time.

    There is a plan to be self supportive through these disasters:plan for the future, save your money for trouble and get proper insurance from a reputable company.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:39 pm
    Sad but True says:
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    I agree we have had a lot of natural disasters, but that includes those around the world. Keep the money here and ask the American public if they want to help every other nation in the world. Certainly no one helps us. We can do a better job on the home front and ask that governments of other nations do the same.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:44 pm
    steve says:
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    your right Nat, the govt spends too much money. sadly, the stimulus was required after years of poor or absent regulation of wall street, ridiclous tax cuts for billionaires and the financing of not one but two, invasions of countries no one cares about which has done nothing but put bodies in bags and money in coffers of the military industrial complex. oh yea, i forgot, one other thing; its imflamed the passions of millions of people who may have just disliked America. now that their villages have been bombed and relatives killed, terrortists have a never-ending supply of US-haters to strap bombs to and put on planes. thanks bush, you werent good for anything unrelated to making up for the lifelong string of financial failures you previously brought those who bankrolled you at your daddy’s behest.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:48 pm
    rush says:
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    So, those liberals in power are bankrupting the country? As I recall, 12 of the last 20 years have had a president named George Bush. And for 8 years before that, there was Ronald Reagan. So, 20 of last 28 years have had Republicans in the WH. The only time the deficit fell during that period was during Clinton’s second term.

    But, don’t let facts get in the way of a good argument.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:55 pm
    TN says:
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    This country’s bankrupt in more ways than one.
    Morally, financially, emotionally, you name it.

    Less people are giving a $#(! and more are just shoveling it.

    Until people get off their McDonald’s Enhanced A$$es and do something, it’s going to remain status quo no matter who’s allegedly in charge until the whole damn thing simply implodes on itself and we’re all sitting in a darkened corner of the world staring at our defunct blackberrys with a blank stare.

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:56 pm
    Nugget says:
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    Speaking of facts, weren’t the Republicans in control of congress and the budget balancing during Clinton’s 2nd term?

  • May 17, 2010 at 12:56 pm
    son of rush says:
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    Deficit was not only reduced under Clinton but a budget surplus was created.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:00 am
    American says:
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    First I’d like to state that you must have been born in this country because you obviously have no understanding on how our government runs. At least our immigrants get training on this. In these Bush years that you like to call it, who controlled the Senate and the House? You know, the people that actually run the country. Not the spokesperson for this country. The only thing the President really has control over is declaring emergency war. Also in your Clinton years, again who was in control of our Government? Democrats or Republicans? But don’t let facts get in the way of your liberal thinking.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:02 am
    TN says:
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    Start finding ways to fix it. Either drive the train or get off the tracks and watch it crash.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:06 am
    To Nugget says:
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    Mr. Nugget: The makings of the surplus began early in theCclinton years when he spoke before a joint session of congress with the express purpose of addressing the budget deficit. Against the wishes of people in his own administration, he put off keeping some of his campaign promises and proposed a tax on the upper income brackets where the proceeds would go directly to the budget deficit. To confirm what I am saying here, I envite you to read Alan Greenspan’s book. Although AG is an avowed Republican he gives Bubba high praise for addressing the deficit in the way that he did and not catering to the special interests. All the Repubs could do was to criticize him for the tax. This tax apparently had no negetive affect on the economy like the chicken little right wingers always contend.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:07 am
    TN says:
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    they argue

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:10 am
    Baxtor says:
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    the constitution for over 200 years? When something isn’t broken, don’t fix it. However, just like the article states, we’ve been bailing everyone out, more now than we ever have. Because when you came to this country early on, you had to work for what you wanted and if you lost something in a fire or disaster you paid for it. Today, people don’t buy flood or earthquake insurance. Why should they? If anything happens the liberals say, “Send them money now.” And we do.
    If the liberal’s want a communist country or even a socialist one, there are plenty of them out there. I want to keep America free and be able to make choices. Because if you want the government to give you everything, then you have to give up something. So if you want them to provide your health insurance, disaster insurance, and food on your table, then be prepared for them to tell you what to do for a living.
    I beg for you to leave this country before that happens. Like I stated, there are plenty of countries that have what you’re looking for.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:11 am
    To John says:
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    John. Please.
    No “insurance from a reputable company” ould have done anything to rectify the damages caused by Katrina.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:13 am
    Kentu says:
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    I’ve insured Texas beachfront properties for over 30 years. I’ve also been calling for tougher building codes near the gulf for the same time period. Hurricane Ike wiped out most of Boliver Pennisula and the state of Texas has not taken advantage of this opportunity to rebuild with tougher building codes. This could greatly reduce the cost of storm damage but, it would also reduce the number of people financially able to build along the coast.

    The federal budget surpluses of the Clinton years was an accounting manuever. Those of us with accounting backgrounds quickly saw what was happening. The feds got several trillion dollars of funds to pay income taxes years and decades in advance. This gave the feds at least $1.5T in additional tax revenues when people converted pension plans and IRAs to Roth IRAs. This made the federal government look good on the short term but, has become a problem in the long term. Now, people are cashing in their Roth IRAs tax free because they pre-paid the taxes when they did their conversions in the mid 90s. Take away the additional revenue created by Roth IRA conversions and you ended up with a deficit those years.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:17 am
    Johns friend says:
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    I guess I should be able to build a house on the side of active volcano because you’ll pay for it. If you live by the Ocean, then by God pay the high insurance premiums. If you paid $50,000 a year in property Insurance for your $500,000 home on the beach, then yes a reputable insurance company could pay for the disaster.
    Wake up, I’m sick of even $1.00 of my tax dollars going to people too dumb to buy the Insurance they need because they expect us to!! If you can’t afford it, Nebraska has some homes for sale, move there!

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:17 am
    Raider Fan says:
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    Thank you TN, most people on these subjects only *****. If you read Adolph Hitlers decree in 1936, it states devide the people with unnecessary information and political unrest and the Nazi party will take over. Not quite those words, but the 10 subjects he published is how I interpert it. It seems we are headed in the same direction be Democrat or Republican. We need to unite and quit pointing fingers. Remember, we are all Americans and want the same thing.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:18 am
    MikeN says:
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    Your ignorance and complete lack of training or understanding of history and economics are on full display in your comment. A couple things:

    1. It is kind of hard to provide tax cuts to the nearly 50% of citizens who pay absolutely zero income taxes.

    2. The wars taking place in those “countries no one cares about” were voted into action, nearly unanimously, by those of the national social democrat party. So, get your facts straight.

    3. Why did the financial meltdown happen? Bad loans. Why would banks, who make money off loans people pay back, make bad loans? Because the federal government forced them, then ordered Faniie and Freddie to back the bad paper. Do you not pay attention? Are you clueless?

    4. You might want to study a bit of history (though, being a leftist, this would simply go against the grain of your soft mind) to learn about the histroy of terrorism and the middle east. These lowlifes have been at this, in respect specifically to the U.S., since the 1700’s, fool. Back then they referred to them as “Barbary Pirates”. You may have also missed some recent history (RFK assassinated by Iranian, Iranian hostage crisis, Khobar Towers, World Trade Center – I & II, Lebanon, etc.)

    Steve, you really ought to learn a bit before spouting off at the mouth, thereby confirming in everyone’s mind what an absolute fool you are. Please, educate yourself…it can only help.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:21 am
    Mike N says:
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    Thanks for bringing up the fact that, the huge deviation we see in the budget being balanced was when leftist national social democrats did not have control of congress. So, glad to see you will be voting Republican this year, so as to ensure we get back to a balanced budget. Obviously, based upon the resord laid out here by you, we must all work to ensure national social democrats never again control congress. Good idea!

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:23 am
    Mike N says:
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    Son of Rush,

    Thanks for the reminder that, during CLinton’s second term, the reason the budget became balanced at all was the REpublican running congress. Thanks so much for reminding us how irresponsible it is to ever allow leftist national social democrats to run congress again.

    Great point! Thanks for bringing that one to the table!

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:25 am
    TN says:
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    and still they blather on, puffing out thier chests and demanding their right.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:26 am
    MikeN says:
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    To Nugget,

    Thanks again for reminding us that, the only way the budget can be put back on track is to ensure leftist national social democrats are never allowed to return to power…ever.

    Your point about Clinton actually working with the Republicans running congress to balance he budget (directly from the Contract With America!) is fantastic. I wholly support your drive to return total control of congress to Republicans!

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:31 am
    Mike N says:
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    …commented on is the parameteers for what constitutes a “disaster area” have changed dramatically. In other words, what was not considered an actual disaster 20-40 years ago is now called such, and showered with taxpayer dollars. At this point, governors try to get things classified as natural diasters to milk the system for more dollars.

    Of course, that is not in reference to Katrina. However, please google this information about the changing definition of natural disaster. All this does is serve to expand federal scope and influence.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:37 am
    Just Curious says:
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    Dear TN: I agree with you but unfortunately, regardless of their political point of view, they are just imitating their heroes in congress or the media.

    Obviously, they find it better and easier to argue blame rather than actually trying to fix anything. That takes too much work.

    But hey, it’s an Insurance Journal blog and they cause no harm. It’s a safe place for angry people to vent.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:38 am
    jolene says:
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    Only because he had a republican congress to keep him in check

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:39 am
    Max says:
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    If everything is a disaster, then the word has lost all meaning. Every loss that causes suffering, inconvenience or acid reflux, is a disaster and should have the Fed step in be the knight in shining armour. At what point do the states work with insurers to mitigate risk and plan for disasters? When will local government take it upon themselves to function without a Federal subsidy?

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:42 am
    rush says:
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    Sorry, I didn’t realize that the Republican’s controlled the senate and the house. I retract my earlier, irrationale, statement.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:43 am
    steve says:
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    Since rush apologized for seeing his wrong ways, I’d like to also. I feel like an idiot after reading everyone’s post.

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:49 am
    Jolene says:
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    quite right!

  • May 17, 2010 at 1:56 am
    Jeff says:
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    In my neck of the woods, New England, we had a a tough flood season. Over the last fifty years people have built in areas considered ‘unbuildable’ because they were able to get flood insurance allowing them (and their banks) to protect their investments. It is indeed lovely to live next to a lake, or a river- or the ocean, but prior to the availablity of flood insurance and the omni-present good hands of FEMA, the ability to build in these locations was constrained. The resulting explosion of building in flood-prone areas means that flood losses have risen dramatiucally. It is probably not reasonable to simply stop the federal flood insurance or turn-off FEMA- but we need to figure out how to move in that direction or we will continue to make the problem worse.

  • May 17, 2010 at 2:01 am
    KentU says:
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    Johns friend made a good point. Too many people think they should be able to buy or build a house in a high risk area and get the cost of their insurance at normal prices. The cost to insure homes near the gulf has been higher than normal for years but, far cheaper than the true risk. My insurance carrier should not be required to reserve huge amounts of funds to reinsure a government cat fund. Those funds come from customers that don’t live anywhere near the high risk area.

    Followup on the so called balanced budget of the mid 1990s. Note the Republican controlled congress has never tried to take credit for deveoping and passing the bills and budget those years. The Republican congress did not do so because they never concealed that it was largely an accounting manuever. The Republicans simply wanted something to get some people to pay their taxes in advance which would give the federal government additional funds without raising taxes or incurring additional debt. Obama should have learned something from this. However, the democrats continue to give Bill Clinton credit for balancing the budget those years – because they know that most of the public won’t realize or understand how it was done.

  • May 17, 2010 at 2:02 am
    Reagan says:
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    So Mike, now that rush is giving all credit to the Republican congress for the budget surplus of the Clinton administration, will you now be giving all credit to the Democratic congress for the Reagan administration?

    And if so, does that mean you want us all to vote Democrat in the future?

  • May 17, 2010 at 2:11 am
    TN says:
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    I love reading these posts where everyone spends all their time and energy blaming this and that. Stating that people feel that their entitled to this and others are not entitled to that. Stating that the government has created a “welfare state” and that we should let those who suffer, do simply that. Well ladies and gentlemen I have a big honking news flash for you. The government didn’t screw this all up by themselves. WE DID.

    You knock welfare, bur hark back to a time when your neighbor’s crops didn’t come in this year, or some unusual bovine disease took out his herd and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED all the people around them pitched in a little bit and tried to help them muddle through, until the crops came back, or they were able to replenish the herd. They worked deals, bartered and came together as a community to right what they thought was wrong. If Barney’s house burnt down, and the next day you saw him with an axe out there chopping down a tree to plane the lumber to build himself a new one, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED people took time out of their busy day and came and helped Barney build a new house, they let the kids stay at their house till it was done, and it got done.

    Then a funny thing happened. People realized that if they didn’t help Barney with the house, or everyone didn’t pitch in when someone (who by the way wouldn’t even ask for help out of sheer stubbornness or pride) needed it, they had more for themselves. As they got more for themselves, they decided that it was Barney’s fault his house burned down, and crops are crops, they can fend for themselves till the next one comes in. AND WE GOT GREEDY and SELFISH and decided the golden rule was no longer “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” but “he who has the gold, rules”

    The government didn’t totally screw things up themselves, they actually for the most part did want we wanted them to do, which is get more money to those who had it, and if the rest couldn’t grab it fast enough @#$ them. Problem is, once they got enough, they stopped growing their own food and raising their own cattle, and simply started living off what they got selling to others. And Barney? Well screw Barney, let him find his own, if he can’t hack it, go out and die with some dignity already.

    But something else happened, and the politicians back then realized it as well as a certain group of people. If Barneys of the world all just crawled off and died, then who was going to tend THEIR crops? Work THEIR fields? Sell THEIR goods? Well they certainly weren’t going to do that, it was simply beneath them to bother, and that pesky Lincoln got rid of cheap and free labor, so what was a well bred, god fearing person to do?

    Well the answer came to them quite simply, hold out a carrot, give them just enough to survive on, and make them want more. But they also had to give them enough so that they could BUY their goods. Unfortunately it got out of hand and now the Barneys of the world feel entitled. Now, we’ve got a problem because to pay for Barney, the people up top now had to come out of their pockets, and that was not a good idea. It also wouldn’t pay to just give Barney a better job because god forbid he may end up having as much or more then we do, that won’t do either. So now we’re stuck, the last great party, the grand bourgeoisie have finally realized what so many other societies have over the centuries: Money, fame, power and material things are nice, but they can’t keep your head off the block when the axe finally falls.

  • May 17, 2010 at 2:44 am
    Bones says:
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    TN what you’re missing is Barney didn’t sit down and expect his neighbors to build him a new barn – he built it and people helped. The Barneys of the world now feel their poverty or skin color demands of you your money and time, while they don’t have to do anything. This isn’t the bucolic paradise you describe; this is a country where money and benefits are going to people not because some crisis has befallen them, but because they are poor, or black, or hispanic, or what have you. Recipients of those types of entitlements who are capable of working and earning it themselves are, in my opinion, stealing from you and me. Why should some of my money go to pay for them because they choose not to work? If his section 8 housing burns down, he’s not gonna build another one, he’s gonna go to a different section 8 housing given him by us taxpayers, and he’s probably going fall asleep again with another cigarette in his mouth and burn it down again. People take little pride in things that are unearned. So spare me the idea that we’re a bunch of greedy, consumerist people who want more and more for ourselves. The belief is we work for our money, and they should too. The best cure for their economic condition is the opportunity to earn money, not money given to them. Become a productive member of society and responsibility and pride come with it. The DEMs don’t want to help them because they are the DEM’s constituency. Once they leave poverty, they decide the money they worked so hard for is rightfully theirs and should not be given to those who aren’t working for it.

  • May 17, 2010 at 2:46 am
    TN says:
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    I’m sorry you missed the point.

  • May 17, 2010 at 3:40 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    Hrumph! the only thing that got dropped in Clinton’s term was his Trous…

  • May 17, 2010 at 4:42 am
    Baxter says:
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    Great comments Bones! I was going to reply something similiar to TN, but I don’t have to now. Funny though, he or she was all against people making comments and now they have come out of the closet with their own. Too bad we can’t divide the country down the middle. One side the Free America and the other side the Communist/Socialist America. Our side, the free America, could sell our products to the Socialist America. For awhile anyway, since their money won’t be good for long because no one will be working. Then we’d have a perfect America and this argument will finally be resolved.

  • May 17, 2010 at 4:50 am
    Bones says:
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    Cheers, Baxter, its good to see someone else with some sense on these threads!

    TN, please tell me what point I missed? I understand the idea that this government’s problems are generally self-inflicted, but the fault is from the people of (I assume) your party who perpetuate the entitlement and welfare state. I resent the implication that people who disagree with it are racists, that people who work hard and want their money are greedy, and that poor people are incapable of fending for themselves. The best thing to do is to let people fail and faulter – that is the best learning experience. All these entitlements create no incentive to work and earn for oneself, and that mentality will destroy this country.

  • May 17, 2010 at 5:22 am
    Try repentance says:
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    Anyone every consider repentance?

  • May 18, 2010 at 8:01 am
    TN says:
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    My point was simply this. We have started as a country united by a common purpose, and degraded to “me first” and “not in my backyard” I am neither republican, democrat, socialist or communist. I don’t believe in welfare for those who can work but decide to hold their hands out. I also don’t believe in selfishness, or apathy. I do believe in helping my fellow man if he’s willing to take the first step and eventually move forward on his own. My point is that in the past, when we had a problem, we all got together and fixed it. Now, when we have a problem it’s “you fix it, but don’t use my money or my time”

    Social Security, welfare, medicaid, medicare; these were good ideas at the time, and should have simply been used as a “stop gap” during a time of duress. However they’ve become living breathing behemoths that are completely out of control.

    You indicate people should pull themselves out of whatever funk they’re in and get to work and I wholeheartedly agree. At the same time, our educational system is cracked and torn, so how do we educate the people that are/were willing to improve themselves? College tuitions are unbelievable, and I can tell you that from experience, I’m putting two through college right now. Our infrastructure is deteriorating and something should be done to correct that. However all I see when I look around is “It’s not my problem, tell them to get a job” “President (___________) is ruining the economy, the (___________) majority in congress/house is screwing things up again. No one is coming up with solid solutions, and truthfully they don’t want us to. Republicans and Democrats alike want us to keep complaining and arguing about who’s right and who’s wrong while they continue to siphon the will, life and very backbone of a once proud and great nation which has now become a country of whiners and people who are pi$$ed off because they’re having to dip into their precious trust fund. I work my a$$ off too, every day, and I come from a family of machinists, teachers, truck drivers, railroad engineers. I’m not real happy about losing part of my paycheck to a group of people who parcel some of it out to “social programs” and then put the rest in their pockets for re-election. However I don’t believe a “head in the sand” approach is appropriate, especially when the only time you take it out is to degrade the positions of those who oppose your beliefs.

  • May 18, 2010 at 11:12 am
    CPE says:
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    I’d like to shake your hand.

  • May 18, 2010 at 11:27 am
    TN says:
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    Just trying to tell everyone we need to stop being liberals or conservatives or socialists and go back to being Americans.

  • May 18, 2010 at 11:39 am
    Bones says:
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    TN I’m sorry you take any disagreement to your points as a degradation or a disparagement. That’s ironic coming from the guy who decries the current climate of political discussion.

    I don’t think the idea now is “it’s not my problem, you fix it.” I think it’s more that, after hearing so much rhetoric from both sides and seeing little to no action from either, that people are fed up and just want the gov. the hell out. There was a time in the US for all these programs, which were intended to actually help people. Now they are not; they are bleeding this country dry, and the money saved for those reasons has been tapped into for other programs, and the well is dry. What don’t you understand: half of this country is supporting the other half of this country, and I for one am sick of it, and sick of the mentality that someone else will take care of me.

    I don’t believe that the dems programs are either fair or effective. That’s why I am against their policies and don’t like them in office. I think they are detrimental to this country and our progress. I am for regulated immigration and support AZ in what they’re doing.

    You probably think all of the above makes me racist, or apathetic, or ignorant, or greedy. I don’t agree with you. It was the sentiment of “do-it-yourself” and “no one will give it do you” that built this country. If you’re not part of the solution you’r part of the problem.

  • May 18, 2010 at 11:44 am
    Baxtor says:
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    One thing to keep in mind though. I think our government during times of recession thought they would help bolster our economy and give money to the people that needed to rebuild or get back on their feet. This in turn made people not depend on each other as why should they, the government will help. Well this off track approach changed the mind set of our great nation. As long as we continue to give hand outs, people will continue to depend on them. It’s time for tough love. So instead of continuing this fast track to socialism, we need to stop funding. I guarantee family will start working together and friends will start helping friends.
    Like I stated in an earlier post, for people that like the socialism, government give me everything idea, please move to one of the many countries that have this. That will make room for the people that live in those countries to come to ours where they can totally pursue the land of opportunity.

  • May 18, 2010 at 1:18 am
    Barry E. Seay says:
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    Uncle Sam is a generous old ******* who loves to spend money he doesn’t have nor saves for disasters. Uncle Sam is married to Aunt IRiS (IRS). She is a greedy old ***** who takes from those willing to work to cover Uncle Sam’s spending frenzies.

    For years I have voiced my concerns that our government only counts liabilities which are due the next fiscal year. Thus the National Debt is much greater than the 18 trillion dollars. In fact, it has risen to nearly 80 trillion dollars.

    The government collects employer’s portion social security taxes (premium), flood insurance premiums, earth equake protection premiums and others. It doesn’t hold any in reserves. It spends; spends; spends.

    I voiced my concerns several months ago in reponse to the suspension of the National Flood Insurance Program published in this journal.

    The first business lesson was: you can’t borrow or spend your way out of debt. Money is easy to borrow. Debt is difficult to repay, because you must pay on-going expenses to live, plus principle and interest.

    The executive branch must take back the role of leadership. It should cut outdated programs, consolidate similar programs,
    aggressive pursue abuse and cut its work force by a third over the next three years.

    The legislative branch must control the treasury. They need to listen to the majority, stop reacting to the extreme left or far right, stop giving tax breaks to the rich and in slaving the poor by a failed social agenda. They must cut expenses significantly.

    The judical branch must make rulings in the court based on the existing law. The judicial branch should stop legislating from the bench. The judicial branch waste money by recycling career criminal through the courts to perpetuate the welfare for attorneys.

    And, Americans need to handle our businesss far better than we have. We need to remove all politicians and elect statesmen. We must demand the rule of law. This means illegals aliens are criminals; cheaters from Wall Street to main street are felons and go to prison; parents are responsible for their children’s behavior and welfare not the social services department;

    In the movie, A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth” is ringing clear. The news media can’t state facts without their political slant or opinion. Politicians can’t do what’s right for America because they have become whores to the special interest.

    And lastly, I don’t care who Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton or anyone else sex partners are. It is their personal business and not NEWS!

  • May 18, 2010 at 1:22 am
    TN says:
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    Ok, I can’t argue too much with that.

  • May 18, 2010 at 3:53 am
    Cassandra the Liberal says:
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    Thank you, Barry and TN.

    As always, any serious discussion of issues by we supposed professionals has deteriorated into name calling and cast aspersions.

    While you all “patriotic Republican democrats” are worried about some welfare
    mother cheating the system, you fail to see that corporate America has in many ways robbed us blind. If welfare mothers outrage you, what about the 1m bonus paid to the Goldman Sachs CEO…for what? Getting the govt to bail him out and then getting AIG bailout money into his coffers? At BP for perverting the rules and regs so we have blobs of oil washing up in LA?..at great economic loss to the “little people” not to mention the wildlife and eco system? and this is OK because it is the “free market” system? Grow up, and smell the poison ivy.

    We no longer have one man, one vote in this country (not that we ever really did, but we did aspire) we have rule by the monied interests who control our legislature, be they Republicans or Democrats, corporations or unions. I see little hope until we elect “statesmen” and not cigar chomping pols.

    I am proud to be a liberal and I do feel that in many ways, I AM my brother’s keeper. I would gladly pay more teaxes fi I knew they were actually helping and not lining some corporate jackass’s pockets. How is that man at Goldman Sachs worth a 9 mil bonus? How do we not allow the govt to negotiate drug prices when the govt is the biggest purchaser of these? How do we let immigrants a week in this country get on social security? Who makes these rules?

    when we get serious about talking to each other like human beings and not like dogma spouting idiots, I will be glad to work for solutions…with other men of good will and compassion.

  • May 18, 2010 at 4:20 am
    Bones says:
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    I can’t believe that even at this point in the series of these threads, the same liberal tactic of victimization is still being played out. I keep hearing things like we’re resorted to name calling and casting aspersions, yet I have yet to read of one or hear you name one. All public discourse is shut down in this country because liberals call any honest disagreement on vision or policy as a personal attack (coming from the party of the smear). When was the name calling?

    How has corporate America robbed us, YOU, blind?? Corporate American has given you your Subaru to drive. It has given you the computer you wrote on. It has given you the medical devices that, god-forbid (no sarcasm intended), you may need one day. Private industry has given you everything you like and use. I’m so tired of this constant maligning of these supposed fat-cats lining their pockets. THEY MADE ALL THE STUFF! Banks are the business that lend you money to buy a car, a house, send your kids to college, etc. Why are they constantly being spat upon because they dare to ask for the money back when it is due? Talk about growing up! Show some sense.

    Cassandra, you are welcome to pay all the taxes you want; leave me the h$%@ alone. If you naively believe that taxes are helping anyone, than this country has bigger problems. What annoys me with liberals is how generous they are with everyone else’s money. I’m a greedy Republican, but I volunteer my time for Meals on Wheels, Knights of Columbus, PADS…what does the Brother’s Keeper do? Spare me the self-righteousness.

    And who are you to determine who has made enough money? The exec at Goldman who made $9M also helped bring upon BILLIONS for the company. Don’t you get paid at your job based on your productivity?

    The only thing you said that I agree with is the problem with illegal immigrants. They get SS#s after a few weeks here, pay no taxes, do not pay into FICA, and use our public schools, hospitals, etc. I’m all for immigration, but wards of the state I am not.

  • May 18, 2010 at 5:14 am
    Cassandra says:
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    Bones, I am commenting that there are excesses on BOTH sides of the issue. Can you not agree that Big Pharma charges us in the US more than any other cou ntry for similar drugs…for example…which you and I pay for and is a rigged deal since the govt is prohibited from negotiating costs? that is where your Medicare and Medicaid monies are being squandered….or more of them than they should. Who do you think cut that deal?

    I just get tired to death of being called a socialist/communist and having the word liberal be an anathema; the issue is the excesses, frauds, and cheats whether they be folks that feel entitled or whether they be corporate “lions of industry.”

    Can you not agree that our government legislature has been co opted on both sides by the entitlement crew as well as the corporate fat cats? Can we not agree that things are too excessive?

    So, what really did the Goldman Sachs guy do for his $9m bonus? Whisper in the ears of Paulson and Geithner ? and that is worth $9m? Get serious. I know people that will work harder and longer for many more years than that guy…and still won’t be able to put their kids through college or buy health insurance. Is that any kind of equity? If you were down and out despite all super efforts and doing everything right (maybe a catastrophic illness, perhaps?) wouldn’t you want a hand up?

    I am far, far from a Scripture person, but certain Biblical lessons ring true today…like when Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Guess what…there was a reason why he did that…

    Unchecked greed and unchecked hubris lead to poor lives for all. the point I am making is that ALL of it has gone to far and it is time for sane people to start making their wills known to our publicly elected officials and the corporations we hold stock in and trade with.

    You and I will probably never agree on how far we need to go to be our brother’s keeper as it were, but can not we agree that things are not right as they now stand due to excesses on both sides of the SES ladder?

    If such as you and I cannot find any kind of common ground, then we are indeed doomed…

  • May 19, 2010 at 7:39 am
    TN says:
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    Cassandra it’s no use arguing with walls, they just stand there and block the way.

    Just remember that blame is never the solution to, and quite often becomes the cause of many problems.

    As long as we continue to fight amongst ourselves and not do anything, then we will continue to do what they want, and they’ll keep control.

  • May 19, 2010 at 5:31 am
    Barry E. Seay says:
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    I have read all the responses to the above topic. Rational people should be able to come together on common ground to find solutions. However, we have become a generation of Burger King and McDonald’s kids. We want everything our way and right now!

    We must remember every organization is in the business to solve someone else’s problem. Our schools exist to solve our problem of educating our children. When our current system can not effectively and economically do the job, we need change. When your stock broker charges ridiculous fees and can not provide results, it is time for change. Maybe your bank is screwing you in charges and the credit card has become an anchor sinking your financial future, it is time for a change.

    When I was an Statistical Process Engineer for a pharmacuetical manufacturer in NC; the employees wanted to form a union. I informed them North Carolina is a right to work state. Nobody could be required to join a union. The employees’ reason for creating a union was because the management was not addressing their concerns. My belief is a union is duplication of management caused by poor business practices.

    I informed them that the employees collectively controlled a significant portion of the company’s common stock. It would be far more affective to select a proxy for their stock shares. The proxy would have enough votes to select or become a member of the board of directors.

    Business is not a democracy. He who owns or controls the most shares gets his way. In my previuos reply, I stated it was time for Americans to take responsibility. Everyone, who own shares of stock whether in a 401(k), mutual fund or other vehicle, are responsible for the huge bonuses and salaries of the corporate executives. The executives were hired to lead the company, make a profit for its owners (shareholders) and build equity. It is riduculous for the former CEO of Washington Mutual to be paid $17 million dollars in bonuses in one month. What was their board of directors doing? It is obvious they were not overseeing the shareholders’ interest.

    Healthcare reform has been mishandled. The extreme left wants socialized medicine like the failed Medicare and Medicaid programs. The far right wants to protect the free enterprises system, choice and a hidden tax called cost shifting. Neither were willing to reveal the real difference of welfare socialism and welfare capitalism. They needed to focus on the common ground of cutting costs by implimenting an integrated MIS system.

    A integrated MIS system would allow large quantities of data to be analysized. The data would reveal most effective treatment plans, medications and detection methods. Now we are going to have the worst of both!

    From 18 years old until 32 years of age, I was a moderate democrat and past vice chairperson for young democrats in my county. From 32 until present I have been a republican and vice chairperson for my county. I have become frustrated with both parties. Politics and party loyalty have become more important than statesmanship or leadership.

    Leadership is more than politics. It is listening to experts in their respective fields and different views; make a decision on the path to take and be responsible enough to slow down, stop or turn around should it be the wrong plan of action.

    WE ARE ON THE WRONG ROAD. California is going to be our first GREECE; then NEW YORK; and then our whole way of life. The USA is on a path to become a second class country burden with debt. The money is flowing out of our country. We are loosing American equity. It is accumulating in our adversaries’s treasuries.

    I once said, Senator Jesse Helms and Senator Ted Kennedy were very much alike: Neither said let’s spend my money on a program; they only stated let’s spend the taxpayers’ money on a program.

  • May 20, 2010 at 8:57 am
    Cassandra says:
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    Well said, Barry. Agree: let’s cut out all the political name calling and labeling and find the common ground and find the solution.

    This continuing polarization is mean and mean spirited and does nothing to find common solutions.

    Let’s ignore the “nattering nabobs of negativity” and have a real populist movement, not one based on sound bytes by Rush or Sarah or their more left leaning counterparts. We have the same common proglems, let’s find some common solutions that help ALL.

  • May 20, 2010 at 1:25 am
    Hooray for Capitalism says:
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    I believe Obama sold himself as The Great Unifier..you know “reaching across party lines” (to slit your wrist that is)….the place is a mess, and it’s because Obama lacks leadership. He runs around like a lapdog sucking up to people and countries who need to be set straight (Calderon – Mexico for one) and his answer to everything is to charge his congress to reform whatever existing system he assumes is broken because he simply doesn’t understand it.

    Remember a couple of days ago when he charged Congress with coming up with “comprehensive (bend over) immigration reform”…what exactly does he think needs to be “reformed” anyway?? Why doesn’t he take a few moments to understand our existing immigration policy, and how we enforce laws currently on the books before deciding to change it all?

    This has the looks of an underqualified CEO coming in to run a multinational corporation, thinking that if he barks out enough orders people will think he knows what he’s doing. Most employees aren’t that stupid, and neither are Americans in general.

    So why do these insurance topics turn to politics? Because everything the government is doing is bankrupting us, not just natural disasters.

  • May 20, 2010 at 1:25 am
    Hooray for Capitalism says:
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    I believe Obama sold himself as The Great Unifier..you know “reaching across party lines” (to slit your wrist that is)….the place is a mess, and it’s because Obama lacks leadership. He runs around like a lapdog sucking up to people and countries who need to be set straight (Calderon – Mexico for one) and his answer to everything is to charge his congress to reform whatever existing system he assumes is broken because he simply doesn’t understand it.

    Remember a couple of days ago when he charged Congress with coming up with “comprehensive (bend over) immigration reform”…what exactly does he think needs to be “reformed” anyway?? Why doesn’t he take a few moments to understand our existing immigration policy, and how we enforce laws currently on the books before deciding to change it all?

    This has the looks of an underqualified CEO coming in to run a multinational corporation, thinking that if he barks out enough orders people will think he knows what he’s doing. Most employees aren’t that stupid, and neither are Americans in general.

    So why do these insurance topics turn to politics? Because everything the government is doing is bankrupting us, not just natural disasters.

  • May 20, 2010 at 2:41 am
    Barry E. Seay says:
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    You have focused your frustrations on President Obama. One must remember there are only three basic business structures; sole-proprietorship, partnership and corporations. These structure are used in government as well.

    The sole-proprietor owns his company. The business equity and control is his alone. He is the monarch. The king rules his kingdom as he sees fit. Monarchs such as Henry VIII of England were tyrants. King Fredrick the Great of France was liberal with sharing the power and wealth. Both met the same faith.

    The partnership is shared power and business equity. Most partnerships are very unstable. The Triumphet of Roman is a prime example. The partners’ greed and narcissistic personalities caused chaos in public and the military. Rome fell to ruin.

    The corporate structure is used in republics. The President is the executive director, school superintendant, city manager, county manager, governor, etc. He is responsible for setting the coarse to sail, to steer the ship through troubling waters, to have the bell rung to signal to the crew their duties and to ever be mindful of his barratry duties.

    The Congress is the Board of Directors. The House of Representatives represent the common stock holders. They are chosen to carry out the public majority’s will. The Senate represents the preferred stock holders. Its actions are to cool the public’s passions and assure the action is in the best long term interest of country.

    There aren’t any tyrants here. President Obama is not the cause for the chaos and the poor financial state of America. Is President Bush (41), Clinton, Bush (43) or Obama at fault? Is it Congress’ fault? No! It is our fault. We are to blame! Our vote has been bought by the special interests.

    The extremes of the news media are intentionally set for a strategic purpose to divide the general (middle-class) public. The middle class of America is collectively the greatest financial and political strength in the world.

    It’s strength has been systemically targeted by our politicians with NAFTA for their own agendas. It has unminded by the self-serving interest and greed of Wall Street insiders. And, we have willfully bought inferior foreign products to save a buck.

    The welfare programs were originally well meaning. Now, the poor are tramped on Uncle Sam’s plantation. They must vote to preserve their benefits even though it has brought them rampant drug abuse, crime and moral decay.

    The affluent have bought both parties to pass legislation favorable to their goals.
    Do you believe Biden Laden hates America? His family has made billions from us. He hates our middle-class. In his country of Saudia Arabia, there are two classes: wealthy and poor. Wealth and power are one. They are controlled by the elite. The middle-class is foreigners. The foreigners don’t have a voice in the political affairs of their host. The poor only have Islam to comfort their suffering.

    Please stop the personal attacks. In America, we are the government. We own the majority of the shares. Too many share holders are not engaged and don’t vote. Pay Ceasar what is due Ceasar. If you cheat the IRS, you are stealing from me. If you hate Ceasar? Simply look in the mirror, he is us!

  • May 20, 2010 at 3:59 am
    Hooray for Capitalism says:
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    Yes, it’s true many Americans were “unengaged” during good economic times but what has brought them back to the voting booth is Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress. The reason they have re-engaged is because the policies and legislation that they support is not supported by the majority of Americans. Real simple and alot less philosophic is this: Obama (and his kronies) so obviously and blatantly do not represent Americans, that Americans will vote them out. It just took a President and Congress this bad to wake them up. Not exactly spreading the responsibility so far, but probably closer to reality.

  • June 29, 2010 at 2:27 am
    simplyscott says:
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    Actually, Hurray for Capitalism, the vote got out in real numbers for the first time in years for the 2008 elections to put an end to a terrible Presidency. Two wars and a financial meltdown are not the responsibility of the current administration; it is its responsibility to repair the damage. How it does that will be the key. Barry was right though; it’s a joint effort, and so far, the Middle Class is not participating like it should and could.

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