Health Insurers Face New Scrutiny Over Price Hikes

By | December 22, 2010

  • December 22, 2010 at 12:39 pm
    Who would have guessed says:
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    Single payer system here we come. In the end they get their way just as I predicted.

  • December 22, 2010 at 1:33 am
    TN says:
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    Well if it shaves off some of the 14,000 dollars a year I’m paying for health insurance now for the family…..

  • December 22, 2010 at 1:47 am
    Tom says:
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    The Fed have the insurers in a vice and will squeeze until they go out of business. Only in present day America can the Feds usurp the state’s insurance regulator’s power and insist that a company keep prices low while the raw material supplier raises the prices. Ocare did nothing about provider costs but now wants to extract cost from the insurers. It is not incompetence that is leading the way with this bill, it is designed as a “poison pill” to eventually ruin the health insurance industry so a single payer becomes the only alternative the people can turn to. This is a devious plan to rest control of an entire industry for pure political ideology and power.

  • December 22, 2010 at 1:53 am
    Who would have guessed says:
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    Well said Tom. I saw the handwriting on the wall from day one. TN I hope your insurance premiums go down but I would not plan on it.

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:10 am
    TAR says:
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    The Obama Administration is pretty clever. The democrats pass obamacare including passing onerous insurance mandate regulations. Couple of them took effect October 1, 2010. Insurance companies must implement these ridiculous mandates and of course unlike the federal government they understand it’s actuarially impossible to keep rates where they are and remain in business. How dare those capitalistic pigs seek to make a profit on the backs of the hard working Americans. Give us Free Healthcare! Re-insurance companies see the onerous laws and the impact they will have on rates, so they start raising rates, which means insurance companies must also raise rates. What makes Obama and democrats clever – he sought ways to demonize insurance companies while stumping for passage of Nobamacare, knowing full well that insurance company rates have no where to go but starting in 2011 and of course the annointed one will be the savior in 2013 when government health care is to go into place. What this costly bill will do is force more businesses (big and small) to make a decision – the free market plan which is so damn expensive or the government healthcare plan which is much lower than the open markets plan? Demonize the enemy, insurance companies. Put ridiculous regulations and mandates on current insurance plans, this way the people will be screaming by 2013 for the government to do somthing (boo hoo). Hence the alternative is socialist healthcare brought to you by Obama and the Democrats. Either way it’s a win win for obama. Keep your private sector plan and pay through the nose or enroll in the government plan subsidized by the American Taxpayer!

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:13 am
    TN says:
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    Interesting enough, but can you explain why I’ve been paying an arm and a leg for healthcare insurance even before this new legislation came into effect?

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:15 am
    Tx says:
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    In this case, Ocare is transparent. Anyone with a brain and common sense can see what is coming down. They mandate that anyone can be approved no matter what the health condition is, cover lazy kids up to age 26 and they expect the industry to keep rates down. The industry is eliminating agents by reducing commissions to a pittance. This is going to result in online healthcare for most Americans to .gov websites to obtain what Obama wants them to have. Single payor is on its way unless the new Congress and the courts shoot it down.

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:24 am
    Tom says:
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    The plan, straight from the Saul Alinsky playbook. First, create a “crisis”, second, demonize and marginalize your oppposition (insurance), third, propose a short term solution with the intention of reaching your real goal. Force the plan through at all costs. Get a “buy in” from some “useful idiots” (insurance CEOs) by appealing to their greed and self preservation instncts, ala, new “customers” and voila, you have Single Payer given to you on a platter.

    One fly in the ointment, the internet. The lamestream media has lost some of its power, so an alternative must be sought to dampen any critical analysis that is, can or will be found on the internet. Enter “net nuetrality”. Yesterday the FCC has decided it should “regulate” the internet. Of course it is for our own good and to stop any FUTURE possible abuses by telecommunication corps. Mind you, there is no current hue and cry from the public for this. Soooo, the real reason must be to compliment the leftist agenda, including Ocare.

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:27 am
    TAR says:
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    Sure; We have 50 states and 50 different regulations and individual state mandates. In 1995 or 1996, Gov. Lawton Chiles in Florida help pass legislation that would make group health insurance guaranteed issue to all employees who applied for coverage, irrespective of your medical condition; heart disease, diabetes, AIDS etc…
    What they also did with the Small Group Reform Act, was dissolve Association Health Plans. At that time our agency was insured with PIA’s national health insurance plan, very good coverage through Principal. That plan went by the waistside because Florida businesses could not belong to Associations that crossed state lines. Ah, but if you were a union member, you still could be pooled with other AFL-CIO union members in TN, NJ, NY and their rates were so much cheaper than just a Florida, GA, TN or whatever state your in based plan. The PIA plan was no longer a 50 state pooled plan and consequently fell by the waistside. End result we saw a steady increase in health care rates year after year. Would the legislators or feds pass Association Health Plans for all types of businesses, not just allow unions to that luxury? Nope!

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:31 am
    Tx says:
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    Good comment TAR. Why do I think the government plan in 2014 will not be less expensive than private plans? After all, we must cover everyone, we will be paying for abortions on demand, cover the kids until 26 etc. etc. Our wonderful Federal Government will be subsidizing heavily with our tax dollars to whatever carriers are still around. Meanwhile, the seniors will be told to take a pain pill instead of getting treatment. These Progressive Socialists all need to be booted out before the country is ruined by this disastrous plan.

  • December 22, 2010 at 3:05 am
    TAR says:
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    Agreed! The Saul Alinsky mentality/ideology is not for America. It’s a shame Obama doesn’t have the American values – Capitalism, Free Enterprise, Individual Liberties. What do you expect when the guy was never really vetted and if you did try to bring up his communist beliefs you were labeled a racist because he is black. Who cares about his color, his vision for America is radical. At least he’s lived up to that for the past 23 months.
    One comment on the Seniors you raised. Under obamacare they cut $500 billion from medicare? How do you intend on treating seniors? $500 billion less, rationing health care? You need a new hip, sorry you’re 81, you’ve lived 4 years past your actuarial life span. Heart bypass and 75, nope you’re too old, here’s a pill. One way to retire the population.

  • December 22, 2010 at 3:28 am
    Tx says:
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    There are actually millions of seniors in this country and they all vote. They will vote his sorry behind out in 12. If we can get this monstrocity repealed or defunded by 12 before the whole thing kicks in there is a chance for a different bill to go through under a Conservative President and Congress that will be a better plan for the country.

  • December 22, 2010 at 5:07 am
    Rick says:
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    Kathleen Sebelius is just blowing smoke. Even though she never had a job other than political, she surely understands government cannot force companies to operate at a loss. That would be in clear violation of the Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights Taking Clause.

  • December 23, 2010 at 8:39 am
    Tx says:
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    Kathleen Sebelius is nothing more than a Progressive Liberal political hack taking orders from Obummer. What you are missing Rick is that this is all part of the plan to create the single payor Government bureaucracy plan and drive the companies out of business or make them the shills of the government in return for subsidies to stay in business when they have to cover everyone no matter what. This is nothing more than a government control entitlement program. Seniors will be subject to the death panels and told no treatment is approved since their lives have no useful purpose to the government. In their plan, this will reduce the Medicare problem and Social Security since the seniors will be dying off more rapidly.

  • December 23, 2010 at 9:01 am
    Tar says:
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    Sebelius, Obama, Pelosi and Reid don’t care if private companies operate in the red. Demonize the business or industry, regulate regulate regulate. If your lucky enough to be a heavily employee laden union business the liberals will reward that private sector business by taking it over – a la GM & CHRYSLER. The losers were stock and bond holders and the American taxpayer. Obama and his minions demonize the healthcare industry for being profitable, then bail out the auto industry for being fiscally irresponsible, over paying employees and putting out an inferior product. A socialmarxists dream.

    Under obamascare your big health insurers will be nothing more than enrollers and claims processors. They will no longer have to think or come up with creative health plans. The feds will do that for them.

  • December 23, 2010 at 9:24 am
    Rick says:
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    What you are missing Tex, is that I’m stating we have a method to use in which to fight back.

  • December 23, 2010 at 9:30 am
    Tx says:
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    This law is a study of what the unintended consequences will be in 2014. Can anyone imagine how many federal bureaucrats it will take to administer this 2,700 page monstrocity? Our worst nightmare since many of them will have pea sized brains about like James Clapper, our wonderful director of intelligence who was blissfully unaware of the biggest Terrorist bust in the past 2 years. I think he is somewhere between imbecile and idiot with his IQ.

  • December 23, 2010 at 9:57 am
    TAR says:
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    Tex you hit the nail on the head. No one has talked about the massive increase in government employees. From the health care providers who will be government workers to the “processors” and health control “panels” to the 16,000 new IRS agents to be hired under Obamascare. Those make $250,000 a year who are deemed “rich” by the lunatic liberals will be nothing more than middle to lower middle class wage earners, after the government gets done taxing them to death.

  • December 23, 2010 at 10:13 am
    Tx says:
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    Thanks TAR. The census has concluded there are 308Mil+ people in this country now. Approximately 8 million are the far left zealot Progressives and the other 300Mil are somewhere between moderately liberal and center/right or right. The question is why are we allowing ourselves to be ruled by this fringe minority currently in power? 11-2 sent a message, but many more messages need to be sent to get these people out of there. It was nauseating to hear the Socialist in Chief crowing about his victories in the lame duck session. After all, this Congress had super majorities in both houses and just chose the last month to do their deeds instead of the past 2 years. This President thinks everything is on track now. Hopefully, the new Congress will slow the agenda down to a snails pace and actually start reversing the damage done.

  • December 23, 2010 at 10:29 am
    TAR says:
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    Yes, 11/2 did send a message, but it’s the first phase of real change for the country. The next phase is 2012. If this Congress doesn’t get the message, Americans found out this past election we can affect change. 33% of the Senate is up let’s see if we can get rid of more dead wood. Unfortunately, we still have the liberal bastions in: CA, WA, CT and NY to contend with.
    Let’s not forget this “lame duck” Congress was the old Congress lead by Nasty Pelosi. ABC News did a deep intellectual poll recently – “public not yet sold on GOP”. What? This is how the media wants to continue their swaying of the public. Put a poll out about the GOP who doesn’t have a say until Jan 5, 2011 and that’s only in the House. Paint them as incompetent and/or ineffective, yet they aren’t the majority? Brilliant ploy. Let’s hope Boehner got the message???

  • December 23, 2010 at 10:56 am
    Tx says:
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    Actions will speak louder than words come January. The Republicans had better hit the ground running and start doing something substantial to reign in the debt etc. They promised after they won to submit a budget cutting bill per week to the President. We will hold them to that. They should in their committees to investigate this corrupt, leftist administration full of Marxist Czars and expose them for what they are and demand their resignation. The first guy I would go after is Clapper (who looks a lot like Lenin) who has no clue even though he is Director of National Intelligence. What a joke he is. This country is very lucky the Terrorists are mostly incompetent or we would have already had numerouse deaths from attacks.

  • December 23, 2010 at 11:03 am
    TAR says:
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    The funniest thing about the Clapper incident, John Brennan tried to blame the news media. Clapper didn’t watch tv and that’s why he was not aware of the attempted terroristic attack in the U.K. Uh excuse me you are Director of National “Intelligence”, one would think you would be briefed on a potential international islamic terrorist incident? When liberals fail, blame George Bush, blame the media, blame Fox News, blame the rich, blame wall street. Don’t look in the mirror you may see incompetence???

  • December 23, 2010 at 11:19 am
    Tx says:
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    Both he and Big Sis take incompetence to a new level. By all means, let’s not enforce our borders or take seriously Terrorist activities which may come to our shores. Out of 126 Terrorist incidents in the past 2 years, all were perpetrated by Muslim extremists and they refuse to acknowledge we have a problem with them. These people need to go or we will have a major incident soon and a lot of people are going to die. Last year, the President was in Hawaii vacationing when the Christmas bomber incident happened and look at his response. Well, he went back over again to get some golf in. Hopefully, someone is looking out for us this year, but it is not promising with the quality of help we have in office.

  • December 23, 2010 at 1:06 am
    LIbra says:
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    If the Bill had been approved as originally proposed, with healthcare mandatory for everyone (not just those who feel like they might make a claim) then the insureres might have been able to consider minimal rate increases. As is, optional participation will certainly lead to adverse selection. Why is this form of insurance a questionable legal slope but Medicare and SS are not? Senior’s lobby?

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:34 am
    Tx says:
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    The reason why Social Security and Medicare are in such a mess is that the filthy politicians moved the trust fund into the General Fund. Thank LBJ for that and they have spent it for all their pet Social programs. This is the trouble with liberal politicians. If there is money there, they will spend it, often very wastefully. Then, we end up with a $13Trillion debt with no way to pay it back. I agree that only the sick folks will buy this after they have been diagnosed with something and they can’t be turned down. Lazy kids will stay on their parents policy until 26. That will probably be increased by 2014 to 30 or 35 since many of these “children” will fail to launch and stay on the parents policy for as long as possible.

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:34 am
    TAR says:
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    Tex, you have to wonder if it is incompetence or is it a scripted agenda in demoralizing, dismantling capitalism and deconstructing America. Obama has been an islamic sympathizer, as it was his upbringing and who knows if it is still “in his heart”. More money has been thrown to Hamas ($1.4 billion of taxpayer money), $7.4 billion to Pakistan for their educational system (which is based on Sharia Law), $20.4 million for a Palestinian relocation program to America, his support for a Ground Zero mosque and the list goes on. And this guy and his administration is going to keep us safe? Then you have Napolitano who hires three devout muslims – ARif Alikhan, Kareem Shora formerly of Los Angelas Homeland Security. We have the foxes guarding the hen house!

  • December 24, 2010 at 9:46 am
    Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson says:
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    Healthcare reform news: Rate review regulation out. How will HHS strike federal/state balance?

  • December 24, 2010 at 9:46 am
    Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson says:
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    Healthcare reform news: Rate review regulation out. How will HHS strike federal/state balance?

  • December 24, 2010 at 10:59 am
    TAR says:
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    Good article Jeremy.
    “Rate review is the job of states,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
    Interesting statement above by HHS Secretary. If I’m one of the 20 states, plus State of VA, who is suing the federal government, I’m using HHS Secretary’s own words to justify State’s Rights and the federal government overstepping it’s boundaries violating the Commerce Clause.
    If rate review is done by state, then Obamacare is knowingly set up for failure with the intent to implement a single payer system, in my opinion.
    The individual state rates system is the problem we are experiencing in Florida since the implementation of the Small Group REform Act by then Gov. Lawton Chiles. Florida has it’s own rules, own regs and rates are based on Florida experience only. It’s has not been uncommon to have 15% to 50% rate increases per year.
    So when states evaluate their rates on an annual basis and see the sky rocketing costs due to consumer utilization; in order to curb costs you blame the medical field, increase costs to patients, monitor and ration coverage’s and procedure’s and finally ask the federal government to step in. Fed then proposes to “pool” all 50 states together as a means to control costs and “spread” the risk under a “single payer system”. The annointed one is hailed as a savior. Gee that’s what we are asking for today, “spread” the risk throughout the country, allow purchasing power across state lines to reduce cost and increase buying power. Oh that’s too Free Market for Obama.

  • December 27, 2010 at 8:00 am
    Tom says:
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    Maybe if Mr. Clapper put his hands together, the light would come on in his head.

  • December 27, 2010 at 9:28 am
    Tx says:
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    I am not sure clapping his hands would work with this brain dead public servant. He and Big Sis are of the same ilk and we are lucky we weren’t blown up before now.

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