JLT Expands New York Lawyers PL Policy to Additional States

JLT Facilities, Inc., part of the Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) Group, has expanded its New York lawyers professional liability coverage form for 1 to 25 attorneys into the following states: Ariz., Calif., Colo., Conn., D.C., Ga., Ill., Ind., Ky., Md., Mich., Minn., N.C., N.J., N.Y., Ohio, Ore., Penn., S.C., Tenn., Texas, Va., and Wisc.

The new offering builds on the policy with expanded areas of practice eligibility and limits availability The “A” rated and admitted form features primary limits up $5 million, claims expense coverage outside the limits availability for many classes, and disciplinary proceedings sub-limits.

All lawyers professional liability products are written on admitted paper with “A” rated carriers. JLT Facilities’ programs are underwritten and administered in-house and open to licensed retail agents and brokers nationally, paying competitive commissions with no volume commitments. In California, JLT trades as JLT Facilities Insurance Solutions, Inc.

Source: JLT Facilities