Lexington Introduces LexAir Transport Rx for Hospital Aviation Risks

Lexington Insurance Co., a Chartis company, has introduced LexAir Transport Rx, primary aviation liability insurance that is specifically designed for the non-owned aviation operations of hospitals nationwide. This new primary insurance is available as a coverage part to complement Lexington’s hospital professional liability and commercial umbrella liability coverage parts.

“With the introduction of LexAir Transport Rx, our policyholders can address their aviation risks in one transaction by obtaining primary aviation liability insurance alongside our hospital professional liability and umbrella liability coverage,” said Brad Cox, senior vice president and Healthcare Division Executive of Lexington Insurance Co.

Developed in collaboration with Chartis Aerospace Insurance Services, Inc., LexAir Transport Rx provides “dollar-one” coverage, with no deductible or self-insured retention, for bodily injury (including medical expenses) and property damage arising from the use of non-owned aircraft. It also provides coverage for bodily injury and property damage arising from the use of aviation premises, such as helipads, that a hospital owns, rents, or occupies. Coverage can be extended to a hospital and its affiliates, as well as numerous individuals – including hospital directors, officers, and employees – against whom claims arising out of aviation operations could be made.

LexAir Transport Rx provides up to $50 million of coverage on a primary limit basis and $25 million on an excess/umbrella limit basis, for a total aviation capacity of $75 million.

Source: Chartis