RLI Marine Joins CargoNet to Address Cargo Theft

RLI Corp.’s marine division has joined CargoNet, a network that battles cargo theft through data sharing between private industry and law enforcement.

“Cargo theft in the U.S. is a billion-dollar a year problem. The sharing of cargo theft incident information between private industry and law enforcement will help combat that problem,” said Robert Schauer, president of RLI Marine.

A division of Verisk’s ISO Crime Analytics unit, CargoNet helps prevent cargo theft and improve recovery rates through secure and controlled information sharing among theft victims, their business partners, and law enforcement. CargoNet is centered on a national database and information-sharing system managed by crime analysts and subject-matter experts. CargoNet exploits the weakness of cargo thieves at multiple points. CargoNet offers a databases, a theft alert system, task force and investigations support, a tractor/trailer theft deterrence program, and the TruckStopWatch program. CargoNet also provides driver education and incentives, secondary-market monitoring and interdictions, crime trend analysis and loss control services, and training.