S&P Threatens Downgrade of Insurers, Financial Firms Over Debt Ceiling

By | July 18, 2011

  • July 18, 2011 at 1:39 pm
    jay says:
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    This is payback since S & P gave great ratings to the banks that made the bad mortgage calls!

  • July 18, 2011 at 3:38 pm
    Sarah says:
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    So if we do not let Obama keep spending money we do not have the sky is going to fall. Comon man! We had the same thing happen a few months ago, when they said that they would cut 100 billion out of a 1.5 trillion deficit, not debt. but deficit in what we take in vs what we spend. Then we find out it really does not take effect until a few years from now and the savings are over a 10 year period. CANT WE DO BETTER THAN THIS? IT IS TIME TO CUT REAL SPENDING THAT WE SPEND CURRENTLY NOW!

  • July 18, 2011 at 4:35 pm
    Joker says:
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    Ron Paul 2012.

    This nightmare of a presidency couldn’t end soon enough. I think I finally found one thing more disheartening than being a life long NY Jets fan. That something is Obama :(

  • July 18, 2011 at 4:52 pm
    scottsdaleslim says:
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    Our government was created with the idea that no one body can control the country and that compromise is now as compromise was then, the method to iron out problems.
    When one group refuses to compromise, this is what happens.
    Raising the debt limit if and only if spending cuts are made is not compromise.
    Compromise is give and take–from both sides.
    Obama offered up spending cuts along with potential revisions to “entitlement” programs in exchange for a debt increase and some revenue generation.
    I did not vote for the man but he is twice the president “W” ever was. W was an ideologue who did not know the word compromise. He doled out 6-8 years of tax cuts and raised spending and not once were Republicans screaming about the deficit.
    Change Presidents and look at their new strategy. Run the country into the ground in hopes of getting control of Congress and the presidency back for themselves by pinning the blame on the President. I would say brilliant, except that it is stupid and self serving.
    If that is service to your country, let me be the first one hanged because if we do not all hang together, then you know the rest of the story.

    • July 19, 2011 at 10:50 am
      Cathy says:
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      W did not compromise – what do you call “No Child Left Behind” or Medicare Part D?

      One group refuses to compromise – so Republicans refuse to sign on to raise taxes. Seems like Democrats also refuse to compromise as they refuse to sign on without a raise in taxes. It takes both sides to come up to an impasse.

      I believe the facts show that tax receipts increased when marginal rates went down. Less people are sheltering their income when it seems more “fair” to the people who are actually paying. And while a lot of us were quite upset about the spending during the Bush years, that was a drop in the ocean compared to the spending during the Obama years.

      Obama is a master of PR and if you believe for a minute that he is willing to compromise then you have fallen for his show. I don’t consider making huge spending increases and then offering to take a small amount of those increases off the top “compromise”.

  • July 19, 2011 at 6:37 pm
    John says:
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    Just prior to the mortage meltdown the credit rating companies gave AAA ratings to CDO’s composed of subprime mortgage trash. Their defense: “We only give opinions” – well, as far as I’m concerned their “opinion’s” give off the same odor as that other well known oriface that everyone has.

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