Wright USA Creates Career Protector E&O Plan for Government Personnel

Wright USA has launched a professional liability product tailored to United States government personnel who are responsible for managing the activities of others. The product – branded as the Career Protector Plan – is designed to offer more comprehensive coverage for allegations of wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment brought by the employees of the policyholder. The policy will respond even if the suit is brought outside of the United States.

“Allegations of a wrongful employment act can be detrimental to the career of any manager or director,” states Glenn Clark, President of Wright USA. “This is particularly true within the Federal Government. An adverse finding could result in the loss of future promotional opportunities, demotion, or even discharge.”

A recent report published by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Commission underscores the significance of this exposure. Last year, 17,583 employment-related complaints were filed against the Federal Government. That figure is 4.1% higher than the number reported in 2010.

The newt product offering expands the definition of a wrongful act to include employment-related acts. A separate sub-limit of coverage is specifically set for the exposure. The plan provides access to a toll-free hotline through which policyholders can secure advice regarding their involvement in any civil, administrative, or disciplinary action. The Career Protector product will also defend a policyholder’s career in the event of an allegation of misconduct – even if the accusation proves groundless. Wright’s claims team includes legal professionals with experience in employment practices-related litigation.

The Career Protector Plan is underwritten by Ironshore Specialty Insurance Co.