Appalachian Underwriters Launches Commercial Lines Rater for Auto Dealers

Appalachian Underwriters, Inc. (AUI) launches a new commercial lines online rater for independent auto dealers, Xpress DealerPro is the latest installment of enhancements to be integrated into AUI’s Xpress rating platform.

AUI’s B2B Xpress rating platform provides agents with bindable insurance quotations. The raters have been designed to be used on most mobile devices

AUI will be offering webinars to help agents get trained on the rater and answer any questions they might have. Other Xpress raters will be coming soon including contractors GL, commercial auto, professional liability and others.

Appalachian Underwriters, Inc. is an MGA and wholesale insurance brokerage, providing independent agents a national outlet to multiple markets for workers’ compensation, commercial specialty, and personal lines of insurance.