IronHealth Introduces Adverse Health Survey Cost Coverage for Nursing Homes

IronHealth, the specialty healthcare unit of Ironshore Inc., has introduced a companion policy for existing insurance clients to complement its suite of professional and general liability coverages for nursing home facilities. IronHealth is offering insurance coverage for reimbursement of expenses associated with timely response to adverse health surveys of skilled nursing facilities. The Adverse Health Survey Expense Reimbursement policy covers out of pocket expenses incurred by nursing homes that receive survey deficiencies at a scope and severity of “G” or higher, including those related to sub-standard care.

State assessments of nursing home facilities are conducted annually to assure that the facilities are in compliance with acceptable levels of quality patient care, including safety, cleanliness, and staffing. Nursing homes that receive a deficiency at a level of “G” or higher are required to respond in a timely manner to stipulate how the institution intends to correct the deficiency and re-establish substantial compliance.

“Management’s time commitment and related expenses associated with response to negative adverse survey ratings can be overwhelming,” said Matt Dolan, president of IronHealth. “Quality ratings for patient care and safety are paramount for upholding the reputation of the facility and assuring that the nursing home maintains its license of operation.”

The Adverse Health Survey Expense Reimbursement policy offers separate limits for survey expenses of up to $25,000 per location, available on a first dollar coverage basis. Covered reimbursement costs can include preparing for informal dispute resolution, development of letters of removal in response to certain citations, engaging legal counsel, and obtaining training assistance. The policy also offers external professional consultation services provided by Pendulum, LLC to help nursing home administrators achieve compliance with a timely plan of correction document response.