Nationwide Adds Software Protection to Identity Theft Insurance

Nationwide Insurance has extended its ID theft insurance coverage by providing help with protecting personal information on home computers.

The carrier’s newest product includes free access to software that helps thwart criminals from stealing information, even if they have virtual access to a customer’s personal computer.

“At Nationwide, we work diligently to keep our customers’ information secure, but it’s only half the equation – most identity theft occurs because customers aren’t adequately protecting their home computers,” said Kirk Herath, vice president and chief privacy officer at Nationwide. “With the increase in criminal activity, it makes sense to help equip our customers with strong tools to help them keep their personal computers secure.”

American households experienced about $13.3 billion in direct financial losses due to identity theft in 2010, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice.

Nationwide’s identity theft coverage and protection is provided by Europ Assistance (EA) USA. Part of the new coverage includes software for browsers called Online Data Protection. This software is designed to protect against key logging and phishing attacks.

“Key logging, spyware and phishing attacks are becoming more prevalent as thieves find ways to tap into confidential information,” said Glenn Maykish, vice president of EA USA. “Combating these risks is a perfect complement to our identity theft protection and resolution services offered to Nationwide customers.”

The Columbus, Ohio-based carrier’s coverage offers up to $25,000 in recovery for expense reimbursement with no deductible, immediate fraud assessment, notification to major credit bureaus, assistance with contacting creditors, banks, and agencies, assistance replacing important documents, and emergency cash advance if theft occurs while away from home (restrictions and limits apply). The coverage also includes credit monitoring and identity tracking – and now online data protection.