Risk Managers, Senior Executives Don’t See Eye-to-Eye on Risk Management

Although risk managers are taking on more strategic roles in their organizations, a disconnect still exists in many organizations between how risk managers and senior leaders view the role of risk management, according to a survey published by Marsh and the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS).

An overwhelming majority of risk managers and C-suite executives responding to the ninth annual Excellence in Risk Management study agreed that expectations of the risk management function have increased in recent years. Yet the two groups differed in their views on whether the role should be primarily defensive or anticipatory.

C-suite respondents increasingly expect risk managers to be more involved in their organization’s overall business strategic planning efforts and to lead enterprise risk management activities. However, when asked about the C-suite’s increased expectations, most risk managers believed their priorities to be integrating more deeply with operations, providing better quantification and analysis on risk management, and executing daily activities more efficiently.

“The C-suite clearly is telling the risk manager to grab hold of strategic risk management,” said Brian Elowe, a managing director in Marsh’s Global Risk Management Division. “Risk managers who are not seizing this opportunity should assess the resources they need to help meet management expectations.”

The report also found that C-suite respondents and risk managers had differing views on the strategic value of total cost of risk (TCOR) measurements. Sixty-eight percent of risk managers said that they use TCOR measurements, but many C-suite respondents did not seem to be aware of this: 51 percent said that their companies do not measure TCOR. Even in firms where C-suite respondents understand that TCOR is being measured, they show little awareness of what goes into the calculation, an indication of the relatively low value they place on it.

“Measurements such as total cost of risk can bring certain value to risk management budgeting and benchmarking, but they do not necessarily give senior leaders the strategic view of risk they are seeking,” said Nowell Seaman, manager of Risk Management and Insurance at the University of Saskatchewan and a member of the RIMS board of directors. “Organizations are better served when risk managers engage in strategy planning and strategy execution efforts by developing a formal strategic risk management framework, and consolidating the disparate emerging risk communication channels that already exist in organizations.”

Other findings from the survey include:

The survey was compiled from online responses received during the first quarter of 2012 from 1,322 risk managers, C-suite executives, and others involved in risk-related functions. Although primarily from North America, respondents represented companies with headquarters in nearly 50 countries.

Findings from the survey were published jointly by Marsh and RIMS and released this week at the RIMS 2012 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Philadelphia.