The Hartford Enhances Sales Support For Small Business Benefit Brokers

A new team at The Hartford is offering specialized services for benefits brokers, in order to meet the changing needs of small business owners and their employees.

The Hartford recently launched a small business center specifically designed to provide brokers with enhanced sales support and a quicker turnaround on responses to requests for proposals. The center is staffed with a group of small business sales associates who specialize in consulting on group life and accident insurance, long-term disability insurance, and short-term disability insurance for companies with four to 49 employees. The center offers extended hours of operation to deliver ease of doing business with brokers across the United States.

The Hartford enhanced its small business offerings and approach after extensive research, including broker focus groups and surveys of small business owners and employees.

The Hartford Small Business Success Study, a national survey of 2,000 small business owners,found 28 percent of companies with five to 49 employees were likely to offer, have offered or intend to soon offer employee benefits, such as group life, disability or long-term care coverage, in order to grow or maintain their business.

There’s also a need for insurance benefits among employees at smaller companies, according to The Hartford Benefits For Tomorrow Study, a national survey of 1,000 full-time U.S. workers. One in four employees at businesses with less than 100 people said they would need to “completely change” their lifestyle to meet expenses if they or their partner lost income for three to six months.

Survey Methodology

The Small Business Success Study was developed by The Hartford with Fahlgren Mortine and fielded via telephone and Web by Abt SRBI from July 23 to Sept. 21, 2011. The nationally representative sample consisted of 2,000 small business owners of companies with fewer than 100 employees and annual revenue of $100,000 or more that have been in business for at least one year. The margin of error is +/-3.03 percent for the national sample.

The Benefits For Tomorrow Study was developed by The Hartford and fielded via web by BuzzBack in March 2012. The nationally representative sample consisted of 1,000 full-time U.S. workers, aged 18-65. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percent for the national sample.