AmWINS to Offer Network Security Privacy Liability Program for Hospitals

AmWINS Brokerage of the Carolinas, through its partnership with Premier Insurance Management Services Inc. (PIMS) and Beazley plc, is now offering a data privacy and network security insurance product for hospitals. The product is tailored to hospitals for privacy breaches, and information security and online website content exposures.

“Hospitals are truly facing a new era of network security needs, and data breaches are an increasing threat,” said Dave Statis, senior vice president at AmWINS. “With Electronic Health Records and HIPAA regulations being heightened, it is evident that more healthcare entities are insuring this exposure. This program is designed to provide them not only with risk management tools to prevent breaches, but also services in the event a breach does occur.”

In partnership with PIMS, AmWINS will offer Beazley Breach Response, Beazley’s flagship product, to hospitals nationwide. Beazley Breach Response is a complete privacy breach response management and information security insurance product that includes coverage for breaches affecting up to 5 million individuals, including notification and credit monitoring.

In addition to Beazley Breach Response’s existing services and coverage, all program participants will benefit from unique program benefits including: