Bickerton Named Senior Director of Analytics for AAIS

Bill Bickerton, AAIS

Bill Bickerton of Denver, Col. was recently named senior director of analytics for the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS), the Wheaton, Ill.-based organization that develops policy forms and rating information for property/casualty insurers in the U.S.

Since 2002, Bickerton has been the principal consultant for Elpin, Inc. of Denver, working with an extensive network of institutional clients as a senior level consultant in database and data warehouse management. Before founding Elpin, Bickerton was chief information officer for Web FS, Boulder, Col., director and business unit manager of DMR Consulting Group, Denver, and senior principal and business unit manager for American Management Systems, Denver. Over the course of his career, Bickerton has managed major information technology projects for large organizations throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe.

At AAIS, Bickerton will be upgrading the statistical reporting process and developing new ways to share data and analytical tools with AAIS member companies.