Who’s Worth What in the Independent Agency System? Find Out Now

Insurance Journal is polling insurance agents and brokers nationwide in its annual search to find out who’s worth what in the independent agency system.

Don’t miss out on your chance to participate. The 2013 Agency Salary Survey results will be compiled for a special report in the Feb. 25 issue of Insurance Journal magazine.

All independent insurance agents, brokers and agency staff are invited to participate in the Agency Salary Survey. All individual survey responses and information will be kept strictly confidential.

The survey provides valuable information on insurance agency compensation trends, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Last year’s survey revealed that salaries in agencies rose for the first time since 2008. The average salary hike in 2011 for agency management came in at 1.1 percent, compared to a decrease in 2010 of -0.6 percent. Sales staff took an average salary raise of 1.6 percent, while agency support staff had average raises of 2.1 percent.

So, how did agency salaries fare in 2012? What other compensation trends evolved in 2012? Find out by participating in IJ’s 2013 Agency Salary Survey today.

Survey participants who include their email information at the end of the survey will receive the 2013 Agency Salary Survey report directly by email on Feb. 25.

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to learn more about salary trends in independent agencies and brokerages across the United States today.