ACE USA Expands Privacy Protection with Data Breach Fund Sidecar

ACE USA has introduced a new option for ACE privacy protection policyholders through enhancements to its data breach team endorsement. The new data breach fund sidecar endorsement eliminates tiered sub-limits and provides a single data breach fund limit, one that falls outside the policy’s liability limits for all data breach expenses. The ACE data breach team is a panel of independent legal, computer forensic, notification, call center, crisis communications, fraud consultation, credit monitoring, and identity restoration firms. Policyholders can now obtain both the ACE Data Breach Team and a single data breach expense limit, separate from the policy’s liability limit.

The ACE Data Breach Team, combined with one of the data breach team endorsement options, bridges the gap between risk transfer and purchased loss control, creating a risk management program for privacy, data breach, and network security risk.

Data breach team endorsement enhancements include:

The new data breach fund sidecar endorsement benefits include:

ACE’s data breach fund sidecar endorsement offers expanded coverage and services to help small and mid-sized organizations mitigate and manage the rising risk and expense of data breaches, creating a comprehensive risk management program for privacy, data breach, and network security risk.