Workplace Bullying Emerging As Major Employment Liability Battleground

By | March 4, 2013

  • March 4, 2013 at 10:47 am
    jw says:
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    “People who oppose it say these laws will force people to be polite at work.” What’s wrong with this statement?

    I understand the concern over frivolous lawsuits; I’m not convinced that all harassment suits are valid. However, being polite at work is not a bad thing.

    • March 4, 2013 at 2:29 pm
      Agent says:
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      We live in such an angry, hostile society and many businesses finds it increasingly hard to do business with all the scrutiny of government, higher taxes, more regulation, mandatory health care on the horizen. Is it any wonder that some management take it out on employees. I am not saying it is right, but it could be the reason. I can’t imagine an employer having to say to employees they have to cut their hours due to increased costs. Does the employee sue over that as well?

      • March 5, 2013 at 11:04 am
        jw says:
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        I agree that we appear to be an angry society. Yes, there is greater scrutiny and regulation in many things. Why do managers, or anyone for that matter, feel it’s okay to be a jerk? You admit it’s wrong, yet you seem to say it’s expected. Isn’t that part of the problem? We aren’t surprised by bad behaviour and all of us allow it to continue.

        I’m just advocating for a pleasant work environment. Perhaps, if companies advocate for their employees to be polite, we wouldn’t need additional regulation. Wishful thinking, eh?

        • March 5, 2013 at 12:03 pm
          Agent says:
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          There is way too much stress in our society and upper management puts a lot of pressure on their employees to get a result. In the Insurance Industry, if the Combined Loss Ratio is not good, they have to take actions to correct it. Sometimes, unpleasant decisions have to be made. That is the nature of the beast.

          • March 5, 2013 at 1:52 pm
            jw says:
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            Unpleasant decisions are not the same as bullying. The decisions necessary to make a profit (or just stay in business) may be unwelcome and unpleasant, but they are a part of business.

            Bullying in the work place is similar to bullying at school. It serves no usful purpose; in fact, it may reduce productivity and profitability. So, I don’t think bullying is a result of the current negative business atmosphere.

    • March 11, 2013 at 4:36 pm
      Agent says:
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      As an agency owner, we have always striven to have a pleasant, polite working environment. It takes a lot for me to get upset with an employee. I have had some in the past that liked to push the envelope and were not getting their work done and testing the sick leave policy to the max. We usually have at least 3 counseling/review sessions with an employee and if performance doesn’t pick up, we have no choice but to terminate them. This is not bullying, but we do have a business to run and some employees just don’t work out. We are fortunate that we have had very good employees the past 5 years. They know what is expected and they get the job done.

  • March 4, 2013 at 1:51 pm
    Questionning says:
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    My first job interview after 18 years was going very well. Until the interviewer, the Underwriting Office Manager. inquired if I could accept their Regional Manager screaming at me because apparently that was his form of communication. I just really wanted to ask her if it was “acceptable” to her, who would be my immediate supervisor. But apparently the shocked look on my face was enough to let her know I would not be her best hire.

    • March 4, 2013 at 2:05 pm
      Producer #1 says:
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      That is a funny (well not really) story. If I were in that interview I would have responded by saying… ” Did you want me to sue you now, or shall I wait until after you do or don’t hire me.”

      It seems that this employer is admitting that they have a hostile environment yet choosing to accept it. An Employment Attorney could eat these folks for lunch.

      To me this is a double problem. A) The business accepts a hostile manager,,, and B) that the HR manager is openly discussing this in an interview. It really shows that the upper management has no control over their subordinates. HR people should not speak so freely, they should choose their words more carefully…. and a hostile manager should never be “accepted.”

      • March 4, 2013 at 2:38 pm
        Questionning says:
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        She was not truly an HR person. Just an Underwriter/Manager but left to do the hiring. The problem is if one person is the “bully” or the screamer, etc., they can develop culture for the entire office or company. If anger, meanness, rudeness, etc is acceptable for one, then it must be acceptable for all, and it won’t take long before you have a very dysfunctional work place. I am, by nature, nonconfrontational and born to be polite, but if surrounded by shrews could easily become one to survive. But why? Isn’t it really just easier to be nice?

        • March 5, 2013 at 11:50 am
          Agent says:
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          It has been my experience that the last person you want taking over hiring duties is an underwriting manager. They generally don’t have many people skills. They are mainly numbers crunchers and the human element doesn’t enter into the equation.

    • March 4, 2013 at 2:36 pm
      Tweety Bird says:
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      Wow! that is awful! That is a true shame over all…….tell me was this an insurance carrier?

  • March 4, 2013 at 2:07 pm
    MG says:
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    Sad thing is that our HR person is the worst offender of this type!

  • March 4, 2013 at 2:11 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    At one company I worked for, a department head was allowed to continue her reign of terror for years. This included verbal abuse, screaming, and a now-famous “countdown” to deadlines for work she needed to present to senior managers. Numerous employees went to human resources to complain. Our department experienced more than 100 percent turnover. This person received “coaching,” then was shuffled around to another department. She was finally let go with the explanation that her new position had been discontinued. I don’t understand why the company didn’t care about the pain she inflicted nor, at the very least, see the legal risk she presented. I hope companies take heed of the very real issue corporate bullying presents.

  • March 4, 2013 at 2:17 pm
    Happy underwriter today says:
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    Sad part is I used to work for an executive VP who is now the President and her mode of operation was intimidation and threats — mosting because she knew she wanted you to do something that was not ethical or against company policy. She threatened me one day and I walked. I wonder how many more honest and respectable employees she has run out of the company. Sadly it will fail someday because of her.

    • March 8, 2013 at 1:54 pm
      JJ says:
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      Did you happen to work in education? You’re describing my former job, except the gender of the boss. He used to have me fraudulently create parking permits, passes to his kids’ athletic events, etc. Worked with him for 14 years and ended up on mental family & medical leave due to the conditions.

  • March 4, 2013 at 2:48 pm
    ron says:
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    What will happen in those places of business where you have a single owner who bullies. Bringing suit agianst them will not change their management style. And, who defines bullying. Some people can’t deal with any critisiam.

    • March 5, 2013 at 11:08 am
      jw says:
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      The same issue plagues “harassment” claims, and you see where that’s gone. A nightmare.

  • March 4, 2013 at 2:51 pm
    M Smith says:
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    I can tell you “ALL” off hand that I have a really GOOD friend in the Insurance Industry who works for one of the TOP 3 carriers in New York. There claims office is a complete JOKE! First she tells me that Management that has been there for over 20 years KNOWS less then the new people they have hired from there competitors. Then they HAND give the jobs to there friends who know absulutely nothing about the position and get a huge raise. oh WAIT! the best part for last…………..have of the people on the floor are all sleeping with each other including management who are MARRIED!
    They take 2 hour lunches……………is’nt that just lovely.
    And if you dont do what they tell you to do………You are let GO!

  • March 4, 2013 at 3:06 pm
    Center Point says:
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    Ya know, the U.S. House, Senate and Executive branch of government could do with a spell of being polite to one another and to get the people’s work done in an efficient manner without all the drama.

    • March 5, 2013 at 11:10 am
      jw says:
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      Now that is a pipe dream. ;)

    • March 4, 2014 at 1:30 pm
      kj says:
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      I reported my situatio to the Georgia Congressman who referred me to the the Georgia Department of Labor where I sent an email to the Commissioner. I am tired of making a great employee someone that is at here wits end. I will not tolerate being treated less that human from anyone….I may lose my job…probably will and certainly cannot afford it but I am suing the shit out of them.

  • March 4, 2013 at 4:14 pm
    draetish says:
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    On-the-job bullying can take many forms, from a supervisor’s verbal abuse and threats to cruel comments or relentless teasing by a co-worker. And it could become the next major battleground in employment law as a growing number of states consider legislation that would let workers sue for harassment that causes physical or emotional harm.

    Isn’t this already address as “Harrasment” and you can sue anybody for anything. Why does it have to be a law?

    • March 4, 2013 at 5:22 pm
      Agent says:
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      We already have a slew of Employment Practices laws on the books. With the way things are now, if an employer looks at a disgruntled employee the wrong way, they get sued. I can see problems with employers having to lay people off due to business issues or prosecuting employees for theft of goods or money. It used to be mostly about Sexual Harassment, but now there is a lot more in the equation and people will sue in the drop of a hat hoping to get a big settlement. Then, they file unemployment as well. I had a woman I let go for non-performance, attendance and a whole myriad of other issues file unemployment on me twice. Once for the period right after dismissal and another time 5 years later. We fought and won that round.

  • March 4, 2013 at 5:42 pm
    Supervisor Nelson says:
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    Quit staplin’ yourself! Quit staplin’ yourself!

  • March 5, 2013 at 11:19 am
    Huh! says:
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    I endured a boss that bullied several employees for years. If it takes a law to stop such behaviour, I’m all for it. A good boss doesn’t need to worry about such laws because they simply don’t engage in the type of behaviour that is outlawed. Too bad we have to legislate courtesy.

  • March 5, 2013 at 1:16 pm
    UCT says:
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    I work for a large Insurance Carrier. During the yearly reviews, I contantly hear people talking about how “rude” or “mean” the Supervisor was towards them. I know these employees personally and know they are less than useless. Is it considered bullying to tell some lazy worker to stop playing on the internet all day? You know many people would call it bullying simply to threaten the company with a lawsuit. Describing what EXACTLY constitutes bullying would have to be defined first. Criticism isn’t bullying. Screaming at the employee while criticizing is.

    In my opinion, this law would lead to an absolute mess in the court system. Unless a victim of verbal abuse has a tape recorder on them, how do you prove their was abuse in court? If there is a large victory by a worker, does the company then have to cut staff to stay in business? Slippery slope.

    • March 7, 2013 at 7:58 am
      jw says:
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      Unfortunately, there are many “employees” who think it’s unfair for them to have to actually work for their paycheck. I can see that type of person thinking they are being picked on because they were told to do their work. In an ideal world, they would be fired as soon as their lack of work ethic is discovered.

    • March 8, 2013 at 3:05 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hey UCT, are you by chance located in Connecticut? It seems to me that I saw an article recently that was talking about the State of Connecticut considering making “Mental Anguish” covered under their Workers Compensation Law. If that is true and it comes to pass, the worker can collect if they develop that condition as a result of work. So the scenario is that the manager bullies the employee causing them mental anguish, they take off, gets weekly indemnity and medical for psychiatric counseling. Would they ever come back to that workplace? Probably not!

  • March 5, 2013 at 2:17 pm
    Kathleen Davis says:
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    I have just quit my 2nd job because of a work place bully. I was in the market after working for the same company for 15 years. I would have worked there until retirement if they had not gone under during the recession.

    I am the head of HR. I have dealt with oppressive and abusive managers in the past, but not company owners.

    After leaving my longtime job the owner, of my new company, unbeknownst to me was diagnosed with rage issues. One day he stood in the middle of a meeting and started screaming at the top of his lungs at one of my staff people. I verbally (quietly) intervened and he turned on me. He was screaming loudly, veins where raised on his head, and his hands were in fists. I positioned myself to move in the event he struck me. As I was leaving for the day (immediately following his outburst) he stopped by my office to say he was sorry. The next day there was a gift on my desk. I found out from the staff that this was a regular occurrence. I found another job in 3 months and left.
    The next company was run by 5 partners. 3 were openly demeaning and disrespectful of their employees and the other 2 pretended nothing was occurring. Relatively early I witnessed it occurring and as HR I professionally guided the owners with behavior which I thought would better deliver the outcome they desired.

    An executive I hired quit within 6 months. He had challenges with the respect he was receiving from one of the owners. I had spoken with this owner in the past. When I attempted to see if there was anything that I could do that he would reconsider – He told me I was delusional if I thought I could influence the owners in any way and that it was only a matter of time before they treated me badly.

    Guess what, He was correct. This owner acted like a horses a##. I told him that he had made inappropriate statements to me and that I would appreciate if he would refrain. It only got worse. What is amazing is that he sabotaged my work. He is an owner; you would think this would not serve him.

    I remained calm, but I was becoming more aggravated. I realized that it was not possible for me to stay until I found another job.

    I gave my notice and when asked why was I leaving I simply stated that it was not a fit. I was not going to blow up bridges. One of the partners offered to be my reference.

    I am blessed because I had the savings to allow me to leave, but I am pissed that I have had to take this route.

    I believe it is only a matter of time before work place bullying is against the law.

    • March 6, 2013 at 7:55 am
      jw says:
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      Wow, Kathleen, how horrible. It appears you did everything you could, for which I commend you. I hope you find the job of your dreams soon. You’ve earned it!

  • March 5, 2013 at 5:39 pm
    draetish says:
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    Although I feel your pain Kathleen as I was a victim of verbal abuse from an agency owner, there is not much you can do and that is the sad part to feel helpless and let these people get away with it with no recourse.

    • March 7, 2013 at 1:39 pm
      Questionning says:
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      And bullies naturally gravitate toward the vulnerable. They know those that need the job so badly that they will tolerate the abuse. Single mothers, or one income families, or those new in the work environment that have college debt. Anybody else remember the LA Law episode when the office w(b)itch fell down the elevator shaft and nobody batted an eye?

    • November 20, 2014 at 12:29 pm
      Agent says:
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      draetish, reading these responses on bullying, it appears most of the abuse is happening at the company level with numerous employees in the office. We see a lot of turnover with a few of our markets, particularly with underwriting. One company had three different underwriters in one year. Reason given by marketing is that they were overwhelmed with the volume of work. I wonder if there were any other issues with bullying in the office. I feel sorry for these posters that they had their problems. I guess I am lucky that we haven’t had the problem. That is not to say we haven’t let people go that had personal issues, were counseled several times, couldn’t get their act together so we had to terminate them.

  • March 6, 2013 at 11:54 am
    Anonymous2day says:
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    Kathleen, I’m sorry for what you’ve had to put up with. The guy with rage issues acts like a wife-beater (apologizing and giving a gift later). If he’s married, I guarantee it.

    Good luck on your job search. You may want to look at insurance companies headquartered in Columbus, OH.

  • March 6, 2013 at 4:12 pm
    Rita Powell says:
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    I have quit 2 jobs because of being bullied at work. The first job that I quit, my manager accused me of having a relationship with a female doctor. I am a married female and would not do that with a male or female doctor or anything else. I told the doctor and quit 2 weeks later. I have since quit another job last April, for once again, the bully card. I returned from a medical leave of 8 weeks after having back surgery. Everything was fine,as long as I didn’t need the group insurance, but once I returned from my leave, I had to take out the group plan at work and ADD my husband to it. Then the bullying started and others in the department were also encouraged to participate. It was only a parttime job and I am credentialed in my field with 15 years experience. I never wanted to work fulltime, but did want benefits. So when it was offered to me, of course I took the parttime position. Also I was the oldest employee in the department with a healthy salary. I have always believed in a honest days work for a honest days pay. It is very hard to move own after being treated this way and now I wish I had contacted an attorney. This is still happening to many good employees that live a life of hell because employers are ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH THIS. On my last day of employment my “Boss” asked me if I would remain as a PRN. Which means work as needed without benefits etc…. my answer was a crisp “no thanks” and a smile. I am 57 years old and my husband is retired. Never again will I ever ever work in a department full of women it’s just not worth it.

    • September 9, 2013 at 8:28 pm
      Walker says:
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      I agree with not wanting to work in an office with all women.
      Its a constant cat fight.

  • March 7, 2013 at 7:52 am
    jw says:
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    I just read an EPL policy that includes bullying in the definition of “Wrongful Act” and is, therefore, covered by this policy. I’m surprised because I don’t expect an insurer to be ahead of the curve. I just wanted to share.

  • March 9, 2013 at 10:16 am
    Insuranceguy423 says:
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    Great Article and this is a serious issue. I’ve worked the past few years at Travelers and Corporate Bullying runs rampant here. The managers have created an ugly and very stressful working enviroment. Ask anyone who works in the Naperville office.

    • March 11, 2013 at 4:30 pm
      Agent says:
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      Insurance guy, I have represented Travelers for the past 10 years. At first, they were the hot rock and were handing the other carriers their head in Personal Lines. Now, all the edicts from on high are negative and how much rate they are taking. They have succeeded in running about a third of their business off in our agency. We keep pleading with them to give us a way to write more business, but they are so proud of their product, it won’t sell. I am fortunate that I have several other markets to go to. Travelers is not our best buddy currently.

  • March 11, 2013 at 12:35 pm
    Deborah says:
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    I worked for a boss who was a bully. One time I made a minor mistake (I had been out on maternity leave for 6 weeks and did not know a change had been made in how something was done.) He threw a metal index card box at me and I ducked and it hit his fireplace and smashed a brick.

  • March 12, 2013 at 1:07 pm
    Deb says:
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    wow. It would be about time! There are some people, including insurance agency owners/managers, that have ‘under the table’ drinking issues; rage issues; and volitile bullying tactics. What is a person to do who works in a very small agency, has tolerated the bully for years, and is unable to find comparable salary and benefits outside of hell? Give me, and others, a valid and recognized process for correcting the abuse, and I am all for it. I think the policy makers would be surprised how many people are treated so poorly, even within our industry. Small business owners, who think can they behave so poorly at the expense of employees, need to recognize they have a human obligation to be decent…a long stretch for some.

    • March 12, 2013 at 2:55 pm
      Agent says:
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      Deb, there are also employees that have drinking issues, rage issues and bullying tactics. Some are there just to collect their check every 2 weeks without doing their job properly and could care less whether the business succeeds or not. I have been there, done that as an agency owner who has bent over backward to help certain people and they were beyond help so I had to let them go. Some people bring their personal problems to work and it bleeds over into their job performance and that is a real problem.

      • April 19, 2013 at 1:02 am
        FiredToday says:
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        Agent, you don’t need to remind us of how some employees are worthless, deserve to be fired, yadayada. That isn’t the purpose of this particular forum.

        • September 10, 2013 at 10:47 am
          Agent says:
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          Gee, I thought this forum was about talking about the issue of workplace bullying. Most of the comments centered on owners/managers bullying employees and the problems caused by that behavior. It is not always just a one way street. Sometimes the employer/employee relationship is put to the test for a myriad of reasons, some of which can be non performance of employees. If my employees do a good job and produce results, I will praise them and they get raises and promotions. I never bully employees, but we have been known to have counseling sessions when performance falls off and they are abusing agency policy.

  • April 6, 2013 at 12:55 pm
    Chris says:
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    Is it considered workplace bullying when you are ill (and have almost 200 hours of sick time) and your boss’ response is to text you that you will start having you salary cut? When I began to ask what having an illness had to do with my hours being cut, my boss would no longer answer. Instead, leaving me thinking I was going to lose my job. The next day, I received several emails telling me that I needed to meet with her for my evaluation, …. rude emails that were sent to me but included the entire teaching group I work with. I just don’t know what to do from here!! Is this something that should be reported to HR? I just don’t know who to turn to!

  • November 11, 2013 at 11:39 pm
    joeagent says:
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    There should be a law , I have seen first hand bullying, between two of my co workers. I keep thinking am i next? I may already be next an i don’t know it. The bully needs a stage do not give it to them. I say fire the bully if all the signs are there.Employee that Makes it so no one else can do her job. dose not allow any one to do certain tasks, withholds important info,telephone on delay so they answer first . definitely is not a team player. Once she asked a client who do you like better me or her someone i never met. Had a friend of hers call and ask me if i was stealing her accounts she received a post card from another Agency not me another bulling tactic. They act devious and secretive . One can be bullied with out being yelled & screamed at . Ignoring, icy looks , being difficult to talk to, deleting & shredding others work to set them up , looks like they do not do there job and not producing.I have seen it all here very unprofessional. The one doing the bullying dose not think they are doing anything wrong. They think they are the best. What is every one afraid of ? the bully?
    Bosses listen up do not keep the bully because they are also bulling you and you do not know it . by making it so that you keep them. Any one can be taught to do there job .
    We can handle there work load probably better with out their stress every day.I love my work and should not be pushed out by a prickly employee who cant get along with others.5 people had my job before me they left even a coworkers wife. We handle others personal information & should be professional.Why would you keep a person like this.What would the public think or do they know.I say put it out there to the public, like a 20/20 investigation Episodes do a 2 part series Agency’s / Company’s bully in the Insurance office work place title who handles your personal information a bully if that is leagle ? I know i do not want a bully handling my personal information. Law makers should listen also. Go to any school Kindergarten thru High-school , bully’s go to the back of the line or get detention or expelled. Its not tolerated. Why do we tolerate it in the work place? Reteach your adults with a law.

    • March 5, 2014 at 10:07 am
      Agent says:
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      In the agency business, if an employee is not performing their duties and counseling does not work, you are inviting an E&O claim because they won’t be taking care of the customer, documenting files on conversations, requests etc. The employee should be cut loose because it can have very serious repercussions.

  • March 28, 2014 at 7:36 pm
    Toniann Amodeo says:
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    I have been harassed and tormented for months by several employees at work. I have been to management 5 different occasions for guidance. Many meetings have taken place regarding these issues yet the harassment only escalated. I have emails to back up my stories as well as other employees who have come to my defense. It has become so unbearable that I actually gave notice to my employer. Do I have a legal case?

  • March 28, 2014 at 7:42 pm
    Toniann Amodeo says:
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    For the past 8 months I have been bullied at work by two of my co-workers. The harassment only escalated after I went to management to seek guidance. Many staff meetings were held regarding this issue but nothing was ever down. The bullying and harassment was so bad I actually quit my job. Do I have any right to legal action. I have numerous emails to back up my claim.

  • September 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm
    Debra says:
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    I was the manager. I put reasonable measures and accountabilities in place at my new job. After some time I began getting hate mail, threatens of death and rape. I sent to the 8 doctors and hospital I worked for. They kept telling me to ignore it. Then I started getting letters in my car, at my house. I live alone and I am petite. Would be unable to protect myself. I made police reports. Finally, I resigned and moved out of state. Now the hate nmail is going to my new employer and the staff here. What can I do? They use an anonymous email system now called gorilla mail. Untraceable. I feel like I’m being stalked.

    • November 20, 2014 at 11:23 am
      Vonve Se says:
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      I came across your page after being bullied myself. I’m in Texas. I worked for Monitronics in Irving. After I finally reached out to HR Generalist Daniel Richter via email notifying him there was an issue I was immediately terminated. I was told I was the issue. The two women who subjected me to a daily barrage of insults and verbal assaults were both friends. I had let him know this but he didn’t care. He interviewed two FRIENDS who corroborated each other’s stories after I complained on them BOTH and I was fired. His message to all others – “Do not complain or you will be terminated”. In Texas it is simply too easy to terminate. HR doesn’t have to do any work to try and get to the meat of the matter.

  • November 20, 2014 at 11:19 am
    Vonve Se says:
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    I came across your page after being bullied myself. I’m in Texas. I worked for Monitronics in Irving. After I finally reached out to HR Generalist Daniel Richter via email notifying him there was an issue I was immediately terminated. I was told I was the issue. The two women who subjected me to a daily barrage of insults and verbal assaults were both friends. I had let him know this but he didn’t care. He interviewed two FRIENDS who corroborated each other’s stories after I complained on them BOTH and I was fired. His message to all others – “Do not complain or you will be terminated”. In Texas it is simply too easy to terminate. HR doesn’t have to do any work to try and get to the meat of the matter.

    • November 20, 2014 at 12:31 pm
      Agent says:
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      Vonve, I am sorry for your problem. Believe me, Texas is not the only state in this country that has bullying problems. Believe it or not, there are a lot of fine employers out there who treat their employees well and do not have an issue with bullying.

    • November 26, 2014 at 10:23 am
      DY says:
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      @Vonve Se..OMG I’m dealing with this same problem om my job.I live in Alabama and my HR dept. is no better.About a year ago I filed a complaint with our HR regarding work place bullying(by my supervisor) and patient abuse. I was also told one more complaint and I’m I’m now forced to listen to my supervisor’s name calling,malicious gossiping,belittling and swearing on a daily basis and I can’t do a thing about it except to keep my Iphone on constant record.The workplace has become hostile, stressed filled and toxic because she’s bringing other employees into this madness..I’m in desperate need of Help!!!! with situation..

      • November 26, 2014 at 11:12 am
        Agent says:
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        I encourage all the posters on this forum who have had problems with bullying, sexual harassment, getting fired etc to seek a good Employment Practices lawyer and bring suit. It really doesn’t matter if it is an owner that did it or not, but supervisors can also be held liable. This seems to be a rich field for some law firms now and they delight in these suits.

        • November 26, 2014 at 6:07 pm
          Vonve Se says:
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          Well, I’ve been served by Monitronics Lawyers. They hand delivered a letter yesterday to me calling for a ‘cease and desist’ from all internet postings and comments. They also mandated I remove all of my postings from the internet. I told them I would be happy to review what comments they took issue with but they just demanded I take down “Everything” or ELSE.

          They gave me a deadline of Friday. I’m in Dallas and I can’t afford a civil rights lawyer to fight them right now. It seems like they are encroaching on my “Free speech” by saying to take down “Everything” and never mention the company’s name ever again.

          I will privatize all of my videos until I can get a lawyer to look at them and then if he says they are O.k. I will put them back up. I had another friend who spoke out against her employer online and they fired her, held her check as ransom until their attorneys drew up a 20 page legal document for her to sign stating she too would remove all postings and “never mention their name again”.

          Corporations are changing. They are becoming more crooked. I fault America for continuing to do business with these huge “Mega” companies that treat their workers poorly, ship jobs overseas, and engage in other abusive practices.

          I also can’t believed the lawyer had the letter to me overnight but I am still waiting on my last check. Its been a week now. I wanted to visit my parents for Thanksgiving and now the company has stated I won’t receive my final check until Friday. So I’m stuck here in TX until Friday and I can’t do anything. They should have sent the check with the Attorney’s threatening letter.

      • November 26, 2014 at 6:13 pm
        Vonve Se says:
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        Well, I’ve been served by Monitronics Lawyers. They hand delivered a letter yesterday to me calling for a ‘cease and desist’ from all internet postings and comments. They also mandated I remove all of my postings from the internet. I told them I would be happy to review what comments they took issue with but they just demanded I take down “Everything” or ELSE.

        They gave me a deadline of Friday. I’m in Dallas and I can’t afford a civil rights lawyer to fight them right now. It seems like they are encroaching on my “Free speech” by saying to take down “Everything” and never mention the company’s name ever again.

        I will privatize all of my videos until I can get a lawyer to look at them and then if he says they are O.k. I will put them back up. I had another friend who spoke out against her employer online and they fired her, held her check as ransom until their attorneys drew up a 20 page legal document for her to sign stating she too would remove all postings and “never mention their name again”.

        Corporations are changing. They are becoming more crooked. I fault America for continuing to do business with these huge “Mega” companies that treat their workers poorly, ship jobs overseas, and engage in other abusive practices.

        I also can’t believed the lawyer had the letter to me overnight but I am still waiting on my last check. Its been a week now. I wanted to visit my parents for Thanksgiving and now the company has stated I won’t receive my final check until Friday. So I’m stuck here in TX until Friday and I can’t do anything. They should have sent the check with the Attorney’s threatening letter.

  • December 27, 2014 at 1:23 am
    NNEW says:
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    I am 28 years old, I am a sole proprietor of a small company. These last two years I had to take on a second job due to the economy. My mom was in a good position earning substantial income in which she offered if I was interested, to take on a 72 hour care giving position on the weekend. I took it because I had to. I have bills, I am single and I wanted to still keep my company going.

    I was aware that the older woman was a handful. She would attack the caregivers. I mean vicious old thing when I first started. I ended up using a great deal of psychology and management to try to help her. She still would fight me and everyone. Well, recently this year she had taken a fall and broken her hip. She has since then calmed down for the most part.

    Well alot happened before she had fallen. She would chase after me in her walker and try to corner me and threaten to hurt me. She would try to leave the house and go out to the busy street and always fighting me to get out of her way. She would tell me she was going to beat the @#$% out of me… And at one point she grabbed ahold of both of my wrists and stared devilishly into my eyes and said, you wanna slit my throat?!! I mean uglier than the ugliest behavior. It was alot for me with the position I am in in my life. All the while, all of her attacks were being done to me and all caregivers who came in, we were being surveilled 24/7 on two living room cameras by the employers who are the daughters. One of the daughters is a paralegal or hairdresser, the other handles insurance claims.

    Now after all has calmed down with their Mom, I have encountered abuse from the Employer. I am a cooperative person and I have given alot of care to their mother and made necessary changes to the caregiving environment since I began. Examples are loose pants, depends and pads, decafe coffee, non alcholic beverages, and so much more. Please consider that she was being given all of the opposite: Tight pants, only underware ( contaminating constantly) Caffienated coffee and alcoholic beverages. I mean she and the environment she was living in was not managed professionaly until I came in and demanded changes.

    So, as a young professional I am aware of managerial control and workplace behavior. One of my first jobs working fast food, the manager told me to clean the bathroom walls with straight bleach. Mind you there was no ventilation.So I learned my first lesson there with careless managers. Other incidents with my clients even. I have had clients try to take complete control over my job- I mean WOW. How do people really get so lost in themselves to really not have control on who they step on?

    This last weekend, the employer here at the caregiving position had asked me to take her mother to their home for their evening dinner they were having. I dropped her off and recieved my monthly check. They dropped their mom back off 4 1/2 hrs later. The first thing the employer says to me was, Go out and help her husband. I was offended at her ordering me around but I still went out to see if he needed help. He said he’s got it. I said ok and I went back inside. As I walked past the employer, She Snapped at me and said what are you doing!! I told you to go out there and help. I said I did and he doesn’t need my help. She snapped back and said I don’t care what he said, you are going to do what I say and “You” are going to go out there and help him.. At this point, her directness with stating to me “You” as if I was dumb plant, had me feeling very much insulted. I walked away from her and she continued to tell me what to do. I looked back at her and said you know what!? I quit!

    I walked into the back bedroom to gather my stuff so I could leave. She came chasing me in the room quickly closed the door behind her where I felt in danger and trapped and proceeded to walk towards me like she was going to hurt me and tell me that I am not going anywhere and that I had not cooperated with what she had asked.. I continued to argue back and just felt so exhausted because she wanted to argue just to see my reaction. I told her I quit and she reached into my personal briefcase and pulled out one of my papers thinking it was my check.I said stay out of my things. She wanted my check so that she could rip it up. I told her she couln’t do that. I quickly got on the phone when she walked out of the room so that I had a witness.

    She walked back into the room and continued to harass me with who I was on the phone with… Demanding to know several times and I wouldn’t tell her. She then proceeded to grab my phone from my hand and I told her to get away from me. Still harassing me, she said that she is going to get on the phone too like it was some dumb game. This went on for an hour… She ended up begging for me not to quit and saying that she was asking me to bring in her bags because she can’t do anything because of her body hurting. This was clearly not the issue. She continiued to break down emotionally and expect me to understand that she is stressed. I told her that I would cooperate and stay for the rest of the weekend and I would let her know if I am coming back later.

    So she gets all she wants and I am left with this emotional baggage. I should’ve quit but I can’t take that big of a risk if I don’t have the funds to pay important bills. So- fortunately I do still have my business ( where the other employer tried to get me to completely drop and stick to caregiving) Luckily I completely depend and think for myself. I know they are nosey individuals with their cameras and everything. They say it’s for security but I think it goes deeper than that.

    I have had more than 10 nervous breakdowns. Intense, complete loss of my emotional function. The daughters do not give a @#$%.

    I must add that just in October the same Employer who recently attacked me had called to speak to her mom I gave the phone to her and they were conversing as they normally do. There was another call coming in and I ignored it because it said “Unknown”. The call came through two times and the mother was done speaking so they hung up. The unknown call came through again so I being annoyed with telemarketers answered and it was the Employer. She snapped at me and said that “You” like I am a dumb plant, are the employee and I am the Employer and you are going to do what I say. I felt like it was hypnotic or manipulative. I was very confused because I am cooperative. It turns out that she was calling in on another line while she was speaking to her mother. She continued to attack me on the phone… I hadn’t any clue of what she had been inclining. I asked her if she had needed my help anymore and she said, “What are you talking about?” I said if she doesn’t need me anymore I will find something else and told me I was crazy. Putting me down to extremities. Like taking care of her mother is all I am good for and I’ll never find anything else. Well the conversation ended up again with her crying about how much she loves her mommy and that she speaks to her children the way that she speaks to me.
    Also, demanding personal information. Asking me my age, and then telling me how sad it is that I live alone. Insults after insults.

    I can seriously go on and on about this situation if anyone cared to listen. All I want is compensation for this harassment. I don’t know how to go all about this because I don’t want to sound like I am blaming. It’s hard to explain the way I feel because honestly I am hurting real bad. In my mind and emotions. Im working on getting out of here but it really takes alot. My mom too, I have told her to get out after the other employer had revealed and exploited a text message to me that she had sent. She was basically complaining and wanting my managerial comments.

    I understand they love their mom but they are so confusing. They didn’t even want to be with her on Christmas Day. They act like they are so protective but I think it’s a control issue. Ughh so tired, so very tired and I want out and I want to heal from the emotional and mental damage that has been done.

    Thanks for reading. I know, we don’t live in a perfect world. We must fight back when it is necessary.

  • April 20, 2015 at 11:38 am
    Essam OLIWE says:
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    What is bullying in Hospital Staff ?

  • October 28, 2015 at 12:13 am
    James says:
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    An incident of workplace bullying occurred in Naples, Fl. A supervisor for Kent Security was using wooden paddles for display in a guardhouse and had a “Wall of Shame.” This was reported by the media. The guards were afraid they would get fired if they complained. Workplace bullying is awful and must be addressed on a national level!

  • October 13, 2016 at 4:24 pm
    imogene wright says:
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    I work for a very well known hospital in nyc, the hospital would complaint that the press gainy is down and blaming the workers. The boss on my floor is very dispectful and embrarring. She would embrace you in front of everyone,she don’t care. The patient stop why she was talking loud. What can I do.I would like to complaint to someone but who.

  • December 3, 2016 at 7:17 am
    Kimmie1289 says:
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    Does anyone have any current case law where bullying was proven and ultimately won against an Employer?

  • June 3, 2017 at 11:22 am
    Anon says:
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    This is a method of covert, slow murder by a criminal network, for huge insurance profits. Organized criminals take out multiple, multiple insurance policies on the victim. They then isolate the victim by defamation. They pay a lot to have the victim surveilled 24-7 and street stalked. However, they can easily make 10 million on life insurance for a single victim. As the victim is being tortured to death, they can use the victim as a research subject, by inflicting medical conditions. This can be done physically and psychologically. It is most effective if the victim’s extended family has planned to do this before the victim was born and has kept the victim traumatized and isolate. There is very very big profit here for the most heinous monsters that ever lived.

  • February 19, 2018 at 6:24 pm
    Judy says:
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    The Walt Disney Company needs to implement Anti Bullying Policy. The Peer to Peer Bullying and Mob Bullying is at epidemic levels.

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