Transportation Intermediaries Association to offer CargoNet Services

Verisk Crime Analytics has formed an agreement between its CargoNet division and the Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) to help TIA members reduce cargo theft risk. Verisk Crime Analytics is a unit of Verisk Analytics.

CargoNet will assist TIA in collecting and analyzing identity and cargo theft events. Special member pricing will be available to TIA members that wish to use CargoNet to reduce the economic impact of cargo crime and use CargoNet recovery, deterrence, and analytical services as part of the value they offer to their clients.

CargoNet is centered on a national database and information-sharing system managed by crime analysts and subject matter experts. CargoNet offers recovery support, deterrence measures, and coordinated, real-time communications between theft victims and law enforcement agents to helps its members prevent cargo theft and improve chances of recovery.

TIA is the professional organization representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce, including shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. TIA is the United States member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA).