CNA Launches Insurance Program for Accountable Care Organizations

CNA has developed a new integrated insurance product to address the full range of exposures unique to accountable care organizations (ACO).

An ACO is a group of healthcare providers who join together to share responsibility for providing coordinated care to patients. The providers agree to be held accountable for the cost and quality of healthcare delivered to a defined population of patients. ACOs can be formed by many different types of providers, organizations or integrated delivery systems.

“The idea of an accountable care organization is something that has been growing and evolving within the healthcare industry for many years now. The Affordable Care Act is accelerating that growth, and we will begin seeing ACOs having a significant impact on the new healthcare landscape,” said Andy Shapiro, healthcare segment leader.

CNA’s coverage options include: healthcare professional liability; directors and officers liability; business errors and omissions (E&O), including managed care E&O; cyber liability; privacy and social media.