National PIA Installs New Officers; Virginia’s Lee Takes Helm as President

The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) has new national officers. Each will serve one-year terms that began on Oct. 1, 2013, and run through September 30, 2014.

John G. Lee, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, is the new president; Richard A. Clements, of Chalmette, Louisiana, is president-elect; Robert W. Hansen Jr., of Omaha, Nebraska, is vice president/treasurer; Gary W. Blackwell Jr. of Corinth, Maine, is secretary/assistant treasurer; and Andrew C. Harris of Colts Neck, New Jersey, is immediate past president.

Lee is a principal of Lee-Curtis Insurance Service Inc. in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He served as president of PIA of Virginia and D.C. in 1997-1998 and was a member of that group’s board of directors from 1995-1999. Lee was recognized with the PIA affiliate’s Outstanding Agent Award in 2001 and honored as Outstanding Committee Chair in 2003 for his leadership of the Virginia Legislative Committee.Lee_John

A member of the national board of directors of PIA since 2005, Lee has served as chairman of the Federal Affairs Committee, a member of the Natural Catastrophe Task Force, a member of the Finance & Budget Committee, a director of PIA Services Inc., and a member of the Executive Committee for the past three years

“Our association has just gone through a renewal and rebirth,” said Lee at the swearing-in ceremony.

“One of the reasons we have prevailed is that we have an association that shares our values — and always has our backs,” Lee said. “I am proud to say I have been a PIA member for all of my professional life. It has been one of the best business decisions I have made.”