Aon Web Tool Aids Contractors Working in Multiple States

The Construction Services Group of Aon Risk Solutions has a new web-based tool to help clients navigate the risk challenges of pursuing work in multiple geographies.

The Construction Risk Portal is a single website that currently houses two applications. The first is the Construction Risk Map – a searchable reference library focusing on the macroeconomic view of the construction risk climate across the U.S. The map outlines specific risk issues that contribute to a jurisdiction’s overall construction risk rating, including litigation environments, legislation and insurance requirements.

The second application, the Construction Risk Register, is an interactive module that allows users to create a project/location-specific risk profile based on a limited number of data inputs about the project. The Register produced profile consists of three main components:

As the construction landscape continues to grow, contractors entering new states frequently express frustration when confronted with differences in regulation, statutory requirements and hazard risks between geographies, the company said in a statement; the Construction Risk Portal will allow ACE clients and colleagues to have access 24-hours a day, seven days a week to statutory developments, case law, risk trends and regulatory updates to help facilitate the understanding of these dynamics.

Additionally, the interactive platform features publicly available information of development-related regulations in each state, made possible by real estate and construction litigation firm Johnson & Bell. The company also stated that it plans to build out additional applications to include more robust project risk tracking and options for international project risks during 2015.