Nationwide, Hartford Steam Boiler Offer Cyber Cover for Small Business Owners

As more than half of all U.S. small businesses have experienced a data breach, Nationwide has joined forces with Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) to offer cyber insurance coverage for small business owners. The services and coverages help small businesses respond to a data breach, computer attack or identity theft and get their business, personal identity, and overall reputation back on track.

Small business owners face big risks, with 55 percent of small businesses in the U.S. experiencing a data breach and 53 percent experiencing multiple data breaches, the company said in a statement. Additionally, when a criminal cyber attack occurs, it’s not just the business at risk but customers, too.

Nationwide’s cyber liability product offers three key benefits for small business owners, including:

In addition to these benefits, Nationwide will provide policyholders access to several risk management tools including a toll-free identity recovery and data breach help line, as well as a cyber/data breach risk management web portal. The web portal will help customers understand their data information exposures, help businesses plan and be prepared for a cyber attack or data breach, and establish a response plan to manage the costs and minimize the effects of a data breach.