Confirms Partnership with Google Insurance Comparison Site

Online auto insurance comparison site is now working with Google on its auto insurance compare and buy platform, Google Compare, in California.

Andrew Rose, CEO of Virginia-based, said Google approached his company because it was having trouble attracting carrier partners to its search panel and wanted to offer more carrier options to users.

The partnership will work by giving Google Compare users access to some of’s 41 carrier partners through the Google Compare site.

“They ultimately made the decision that we were a short cut to building a panel themselves,” said Rose.

Google is offering’s providers in addition to forming its own carrier panel, said Rose. However, all of’s carrier partners are not available through the Google Compare site.

“Google Compare will collect user info and forward that information to us and we will forward it on to any of our participating carriers that want to have their rates shown on Google [Compare],” he said.

Rose said not all of’s carrier partners want to participate in the new Google Compare venture as some have concerns. He wouldn’t name or give an exact number of’s carriers that agreed to participate, but did say it is “somewhere in between” its 41 partners.

“In some ways, this is quite scary for insurance companies. There is concern among them about what happens if Google controls one of the avenues where they get their business,” he said.

The relationship is also non-reciprocal, meaning Google Compare opted not to share its carrier partners with Rose said that was Google’s decision.

The partnership will work by showing Google Compare users multiple insurance quotes after they input their information – some quotes will come from’s carrier partners, and some from’s partners. Quotes may also be provided by Google’s other partner, When users choose to purchase an auto policy on Google’s site from a carrier, they leave the Google site and go to that carrier’s webpage to finish the transaction, just as it works on’s site. Customers can also choose to call and purchase their policy over the phone. is compensated by the carrier just as it would be if they went straight to

“From the carrier’s standpoint, the policy still came from and they will compensate us. Then we pay Google a share of what we were compensated by the carrier,” said Rose. doesn’t charge customers to use its site and the same is true on the Google Compare platform. charges carriers a flat fee per sale that is based on the segment of business. Carriers are only charged if a customer actually buys the policy from the company. then uses that money to advertise on behalf of the carriers.

Also like the site, the rate doesn’t change when the customer leaves the Google Compare site or calls the listed phone number to purchase. Rose says this has been a critical part of his company’s success so far because consumers can finish their transaction without any other costs. was established in 2013 and is the U.S. version of that started back in 2002 in the UK and is also owned by parent company, Admiral, the former owners of began writing business in the U.S. market in 2014 with auto insurance and just recently changed its name from, which Rose said was unrelated to the partnership.

Rose said partnered to power the back-end of Google Compare because it saw it as a good opportunity for’s insurance company partners and believed it would help elevate comparison sites like

“This creates a big win for the insurance company. They can integrate with us once and then can also get Google’s traffic as well,” he said. “It was a very big decision for us to say, ‘Yyes we want to partner with them,’ but we think that the more consumers that use comparison shopping for insurance the better it will make it for us all.”

Rose says it will also help enhance and build its brand, as will be mentioned with each rate that is returned by them.

“We are going to be the brand name that consumers actively choose,” he said. “It’s a different strategy and we would rather be a part of it than not.”

Rose said it is possible that’s carriers could eventually choose to work directly with Google Compare rather than go through, but he doesn’t see that happening. “Our current panel members value their relationship with and we value them,” he said.

His message to agents is also one of optimism – he encourages them to work with because the company accommodates agents through its process. “We know how important and powerful they are,” he says of agents. He says agents shouldn’t consider comparison sites a death to their business but should instead find ways to work with them.

“This is a reality you are not going to be able to stop, so work with a partner that knows the insurance business and values the agency proposition,” he said.

Currently, the partnership between and Google Compare is just for auto insurance in California, but Rose says he is open to working with Google in other states when it expands, though nothing has been decided on now. currently offers auto insurance comparison quotes in 48 states and plans to expand into homeowners and renters insurance later this year.

Rose said some of his carrier partners are taking a wait-and-see approach to the Google Compare platform and the carriers that have opted to participate can change their minds at any time or just not return a rate – they are not locked into participating. But he thinks as time goes on more carriers will become comfortable and want to take part in comparison model platforms.

“Just as with our business, it took some time to get the first five carriers and now we are on our way to four dozen. Once you start gaining momentum the insurance carriers don’t want to be left out,” he said. isn’t locked into the Google Compare deal either – while it has a contract — details of which he said cannot be disclose — Rose said his firm can get out of the deal “in a reasonable period of time, like with any contract.”

He doesn’t expect that will be the case, however.

“We all have spent a lot of time and effort to make it work and are invested in it and want to see it succeed. And we did it because we want to see comparison models succeed,” he said.
