W.R. Berkley Names Ballard, Lederman, Shiel to Executive VP Posts

W. R. Berkley Corp. announced the appointments of Eugene G. Ballard, Ira S. Lederman and James G. Shiel to the offices of executive vice president.

Ballard has been with the Greenwich, Conn.-based company since 1999, serving as senior vice president and chief financial officer. He has 40 years of experience in the accounting and finance profession, including more than 25 years in the property/casualty insurance industry. In his new role, he will have oversight responsibility for the finance, accounting and actuarial departments.

Lederman joined the company in 1983, and has served as senior vice president, general counsel and secretary since 2001. He has 35 years of legal experience, more than 30 of which has been with the company. His new responsibilities will include oversight of the company’s legal, compliance, claims and other administrative functions.

Shiel has been with the company since 1987, serving most recently as senior vice president – investments. He has 30 years of experience in investing and will continue to oversee the investment activities of the company and its subsidiaries.

Source: W.R Berkley Corp.