Senate Leaders Vow September Vote on Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. Senate will not vote on a cyber security bill until September, after lawmakers return from a four-week recess and consider the nuclear agreement with Iran, the chamber’s leaders said on Wednesday.

Some lawmakers had called for urgent consideration of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (CISPA) legislation after massive hacking attacks on government and corporate networks.

The bill would make it easier for corporations to share information about cyber attacks with each other or the government without concern about lawsuits.

Some privacy advocates raised concerns about the bill and senators could not agree on what amendments should be allowed on the legislation in time for a vote before the August break.

Mitch McConnell, the Republic Majority Leader, and Harry Reid, the Democratic Minority Leader, said they had agreed to allow 10 Republican amendments and 11 Democratic amendments.

Congress has until Sept. 17 to vote on a resolution to reject the nuclear agreement announced on July 14 between the United States, five other world powers and Iran. McConnell and Reid said they had agreed to begin debate on the resolution as soon as lawmakers return to Washington on Sept. 8.

The House of Representative passed its version of the cyber security bill in April. If the measure passes the Senate, the two versions would have to be reconciled before they could be sent to the White House for President Barack Obama to sign into law.

(Reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Grant McCool)