Manchester Specialty, Allied World to Offer Miscellaneous Medical Program

Manchester Specialty Programs, a national specialty underwriting and insurance program management firm for home care, hospice, medical staffing firms, and miscellaneous medical facilities, is now offering a miscellaneous medical suite program through Allied World Insurance. This enhanced product, exclusively available through Manchester Specialty, offers brokers and their clients additional limits and coverage beyond the traditional Allied World Miscellaneous Medical Suite.

Bill Thompson, president and CEO of Manchester Specialty Programs, said the program with Allied World allows the company to offer broader coverage, greater limits and added-value risk management services.

The Allied World Miscellaneous Medical Suite offers medical malpractice/professional and general liability, privacy liability and network risk coverage, and management liability that includes directors and officers liability, employment practices liability, and fiduciary liability for many types of miscellaneous medical facilities. The program is available in all states on a non-admitted surplus lines basis.

The enhancements to Allied World’s program available with Manchester Specialty include: regulatory audit coverage with $100,000 in defense coverage (can go up to a maximum sublimit of $250,000); dedicated excess coverage for executives with a sublimit of $100,000; non-owned and hired automobile coverage shared with the general liability limit; additional employee benefits liability limits of $1 million/$1 million, damage to patient’s property with a limit of $500/$5,000 sublimit, employed physicians limits shared with the entity; and waiver of subrogation and blanket additional insureds at no charge for medical staffing risks; among other additions.

In addition, with Manchester Specialty, policyholders have access to payment options whereby they can pay two separate premium installments during the year. Discounted risk management services are also available with Marshall Dennehey for RAC regulatory and compliance guidance, and MRO Corp. for assistance in mitigating risks associated with Protected Health Information (PHI).

In order for brokers to obtain a quote for Manchester Specialty’s custom Allied World Miscellaneous Medical Suite form, at least two “towers” of coverages must be submitted: Medical Malpractice/Professional & General Liability, along with either Privacy Liability & Network Risk and/or Management Liability (D&O/EPLI). Target classes include home health/hospice, medical staffing, surgery and urgi-care centers, behavioral care and treatment centers, and imaging/diagnostic labs.

Manchester Specialty works exclusively with licensed agents and brokers countrywide.

Manchester Specialty Programs Inc. is a privately held national specialty underwriting and insurance program management firm. Manchester Specialty is licensed to do business as a program administrator in all 50 states and DC.