35 Insurance Consumer Representatives Named as NAIC Liaisons

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) recently named 35 consumer liaison representatives for 2016.

The 20 funded and 15 unfunded consumer representatives began their terms Jan. 1, 2016. Funded representatives receive travel expense reimbursement from the NAIC; unfunded representatives pay their own expenses.

Established in 1992, the liaison program provides promotes consumer advocates an opportunity to interact with the state insurance departments that are NAIC’s members, as well as the insurance industry.

“We count on consumer representatives to bring unique perspectives and ideas to the table as regulators work to develop the best consumer protections possible,” said John M. Huff, NAIC president and Missouri insurance director. “This liaison program provides invaluable dialogue that not only informs our work product, but also provides important insight into how our policies impact consumers in our states.”

Huff and NAIC leadership named Immediate Past President Monica J. Lindeen as 2016 chair for the NAIC Consumer Liaison Committee. Lindeen is Montana’s insurance commissioner.

Kansas Insurance Commissioner Ken Selzer will serve as co-chair of the committee.

Seventeen of the funded consumer representatives participated in the program in 2015. The following are the 2016 NAIC funded consumer liaison representatives:

Source: NAIC