Morgan Joins Insurance ‘Pretiree’ Job Network WAHVE as Marketing VP

Rick Morgan, a technology and marketing expert in the independent agency channel, has joined Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE) as senior vice president of marketing.

WAHVE, formed in 2010, is a network of insurance professionals phasing into retirement who work remotely on a contract basis for insurance firms.

Morgan, who served on WAHVE’s advisory board from its inception until 2014, also helped guide WAHVE in his most recent role as senior vice president of Aartrijk, a marketing firm specializing in the insurance industry.

At Aartrijk since 2008, and with his own consulting firm, Morgan has served as advisor for the independent agency system focusing on technology, social media and marketing. He has served as interim CEO of Applied Client Network; senior vice president of marketing of Applied Systems; senior vice president of ConfirmNet; and owner of Automation Management Group, a technology consulting firm that published The Automated Agency Report (TAAR) and co-developed Silver Plume, a provider of electronic insurance and risk-reference material.

Rick Morgan
Rick Morgan

The addition of Morgan comes as WAHVE is looking to expand.

“We are taking our proven model — providing expert insurance professionals to insurance organizations — and expanding it to serve greater numbers of jobs, firms and ‘pretirees,'” said Sharon Emek, founder of WAHVE. “Every employer in the insurance industry faces the challenge of staffing their firms on a sustainable, flexible, cost-efficient basis – and WAHVE offers an alternative that suits workers and employers.”

Source: WAHVE