Jury Backs Led Zeppelin in ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Copyright Trial

Led Zeppelin won’t have to share royalties from one of rock-and-roll’s masterpieces after a jury found guitarist Jimmy Page and singer Robert Plant didn’t steal the opening chords of “Stairway to Heaven” from an obscure 1968 instrumental.

Thursday’s verdict followed a five-day copyright trial that focused on concerts and clubs attended by Led Zeppelin members decades ago and whether they heard the Southern California group Spirit perform “Taurus,” a song built around a descending chromatic scale recognizable to Led Zeppelin fans in the first measures of “Stairway to Heaven.”

Page testified at the trial in Los Angeles federal court that he liked Spirit but didn’t even know of the controversy until his son-in-law played an Internet mash-up of the songs. Page and bass player John Paul Jones told jurors they hadn’t been aware that Spirit was also on the bill at their first U.S. concert in 1968 in Denver. While one Spirit member recalled rounds of drinking and snooker with Plant after his band played at a U.K. nightclub in 1970, Plant testified he remembered a car crash on his way home that night but not hearing or meeting Spirit.

Jurors didn’t get to hear full descriptions of Led Zeppelin’s hard-drinking, drug-consuming ways in the 1970s and speculation about impaired memories. And they never got to hear a recording of “Taurus” because the copyright claim was based only on the sheet music for the song. So they listened as musicologists either plucked out the two tunes on a guitar or tapped them out on an electric piano, along with other pop songs containing chromatic progressions. Jurors did get to hear recordings of Led Zeppelin rehearsals and, as the defense’s final exhibit, were treated to the album version of “Stairway to Heaven” — all eight minutes of it.

Led Zeppelin’s win comes amid an uptick in lawsuits over allegedly stolen songs following last year’s surprise verdict by a Los Angeles jury that Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke’s 2013 mega-hit “Blurred Lines” infringed Marvin Gaye’s 1977 single “Got to Give It Up.” Gaye’s heirs won a $7.4 million award at trial — later reduced by the judge to about $5.3 million and now on appeal. This year, singers Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran have been sued for alleged copyright violations.

Spirit Guitarist

The lawsuit was brought by the trust of the late Spirit guitarist Randy Wolfe, also known as Randy California, who wrote “Taurus” for his girlfriend. Wolfe never filed an infringement lawsuit and Led Zeppelin argued that the trust didn’t own the rights to the song, which instead belong to the publisher under a 1967 agreement.

The trust’s lawyer said the trust had a fiduciary duty to pursue its claim following a 2014 U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows for copyright infringement lawsuits after years of delay.

The case is Skidmore v. Led Zeppelin, 15-cv-03462, U.S. District Court, Central District of California (Los Angeles).