XL Catlin Adds Technology, Excess D&O Coverage for Design Professionals

XL Catlin has added two new enhancements to its professional liability insurance for architects, engineers and other design professionals in the US, including an expanded professional services definition and Principal Protector Coverage for qualifying firms.

XL Catlin’s Design Professional team has expanded the definition of professional services to include existing and emerging technologies used by design professionals in the delivery of their services. This includes the development of software programs, systems and applications; database design and maintenance; warehousing data generated by building information models, digital tools, etc.; hosting data and application sites; and website design for its design services clients.

XL Catlin also added Principal Protector Coverage, specifically for its large design firm segment. This coverage offers supplemental limits outside of the firm’s policy limits for any current, former, or retired member or employee of the firm for negligence claims arising from their participation in a non-profit entity.

XL Catlin’s Design Professional business provides professional liability insurance for architects, engineers and design consultants. Coverage is available for firms of all sizes and disciplines. XL Catlin’s design professional coverage is accompanied by a variety of loss prevention assistance and risk management assistance including continuing education courses and access to XL Catlin’s Contract eGuide.

XL Catlin insurance companies offer property, casualty, professional, financial lines and specialty insurance products globally.