Everest Insurance Releases New Builders Risk Policy Forms

Everest Insurance has expanded their construction builders risk offering with the launch of a suite of new builders risk policy forms.

These forms offer commercial builders risk coverage products targeting project specific builders risk, master builders risk, specified perils, and excess of loss. All new offerings include policy forms aimed at all segments of the construction marketplace.

The new Everest offering includes capacity up to $250 million in limits offered on both an admitted and nonadmitted basis depending on geographical jurisdiction.

Everest Re Group, Ltd. is a Bermuda holding company that operates through the following subsidiaries: Everest Reinsurance Company provides reinsurance to property and casualty insurers in both the U.S. and international markets. Everest Reinsurance (Bermuda), Ltd., including through its branch in the United Kingdom, provides reinsurance and insurance to worldwide property and casualty markets and reinsurance to life insurers. Everest Insurance refers to the primary insurance operations of Everest Re Group, Ltd., and its affiliated companies which offer property, casualty and specialty lines insurance on both an admitted and non-admitted basis in the U.S. and internationally.

The Company also operates within the Lloyd’s insurance market through Syndicate 2786. In addition, through Mt. Logan Re, Ltd., the Company manages segregated accounts, capitalized by the company and third party investors that provide reinsurance for property catastrophe risks.