Allied World Adds Phishing Assessments to Cyber Risk Management Platform

Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, GmbH, has added a new service to the Allied World//FrameWRX cyber risk management product through Symantec Corporation’s Cyber Division.

The new service provides Allied World’s cyber policyholders access to two customized, simulated phishing assessments per policy year. Clients will receive detailed reporting on how their staff responded to these phishing exercises, with immediate training videos for all employees who fall susceptible to the simulated attacks.

The FrameWRX platform is designed to help Allied World’s clients be better positioned to withstand new and malicious cyber threats. The new offering provides Allied World’s U.S. Cyber policyholders access to pre-incident risk management services designed to help them (and their employees) increase awareness of phishing threats.

Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, GmbH, through its subsidiaries, is a global provider of insurance and reinsurance products.