Mining Jobs to Focus on Community Relations as Robots and Sensors Take Over

By | November 30, 2017

  • November 30, 2017 at 11:57 am
    Doug Fisher says:
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    They took our jerbs!

    • November 30, 2017 at 12:06 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Maybe we should build a wall! I wonder what robacial (robot racial) slur will be used against the automated workers and their manufacturers. And, watch heads explode when these robots are made in China and Mexico! They double took our jerbs!

  • November 30, 2017 at 1:52 pm
    GroPoLaeur Bear says:
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    Hooray! More mines are re-opening! Energy cost decreases that will result will further boost GDP growth! MAGA…. open another mine for lower energy costs!

    • December 1, 2017 at 12:38 pm
      Agent says:
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      Clean coal is much better than trying to convert Algae or Cow Dung for fuel. Robots cannot get black lung disease and don’t care about union contracts either.

      • December 5, 2017 at 9:30 am
        Mike says:
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        And natural gas is better than all three. Sorry to burst your bubble, but environmentalist concerns are just a very small portion of what is killing coal. There is the ridiculously long start up and cool down times for a coal plant (anywhere from two to four hours, natural gas combined cycle plants can be up in running in less than half an hour and a binary cycle geothermal can be up and running in as little as 15 minutes), the cost of shipping coal is very high relative to other fuels (coal is heavy, natural gas can be shipped in a pipeline for practically nothing once the pipeline is built), there are disposal costs for coal ash (yeah, quite a lot of coal ash is produced, and even if you aren’t thinking of an “environmentally friendly” way of disposing it, it still has to be shipped somewhere), and of course the nail in the coffin that other technologies just are more efficient (coming back again to combined cycle natural gas, higher thermal efficiency, lower down time, less parasitic load to run crushers and other ancillary equipment needed to prep coal for burning and removal of ash, and we can also even bring in some renewables like hydro and geothermal that cost a lot to build but operate for dirt cheap once they come on line, all you need to pay for is labor, which is increasingly being replaced by automation, and maintenance… oh, and hydro and geothermal don’t suffer from the intermittency problems of solar and wind).
        You can cry and mash your teeth all you want about “clean coal”, the economics of coal just don’t favor it coming back.

        • December 6, 2017 at 11:32 am
          Agent says:
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          Sorry dude, it is already back and growing in importance as we speak. Wind and Solar make up about 5% of our energy. Natural Gas is coming on, but clean coal will be here for a very long time since it is plentiful and many of our states depend on it for jobs as well as energy.

  • December 6, 2017 at 11:34 am
    Right says:
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    Sorry dude, the Coal Industry was almost killed off by Progressives to the detriment of the economy. Clean Coal is viable and inexpensive and will still be here for many, many years and Algae and Cow Dung won’t.

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