Insurers’ Asbestos Payments in 2016 Topped $3 Billion

While U.S. asbestos-related incurred losses dropped in 2016, property/casualty insurers’ payments for asbestos claims grew 9 percent and hit $3.2 billion for the year, a new A.M. Best report concludes.

The $3.2 billion figure exceeds the long-term average of $2.4 billion, A.M. Best said. But there was a 24 percent year-over-year drop in incurred asbestos losses, which propelled an overall 17 percent decline in asbestos and environmental incurred losses in 2016.

A.M. Best said its estimate for net asbestos losses for the U.S. P/C insurance industry remains at $100 billion, with net environmental losses staying at $42 billion, as of year-end 2016.

Other findings from the A.M. Best report:

The full report: “Asbestos Losses Continue to Rise; Environmental Losses Remain Stable.”

Source: A.M. Best