Chief Risk Officers’ Average Salary Tops $190,000: RIMS

Risk professionals at all levels in the United States saw an average 3.5 percent base salary increase this year, while the average base salary for a chief risk officer in the United States reached $190,800, according to the RIMS 2017 Compensation Survey.

The survey, which RIMS does every two years, provides compensation analysis by industry, location and position for all risk professional positions.

Compared to RIMS 2015 Compensation Survey, the average base salary for CROs in the United States increased 11 percent to $190,800.

The survey also found that 63 percent of risk management professionals in both the U.S. and Canada perform functions in addition to risk management in their organizations.

Canadian practitioners at all levels experienced an average 2.0 percent increase;

The average base salary for director of ERM/Strategic Risk Management in Canada saw the biggest increase for the country, up 8 percent to $130,000.

The survey, conducted by emails to RIMS members, incorporates data from 781 risk professionals in the United States and 138 in Canada.

Source: RIMS survey