Appeals Court Rules Firing Over Sexual Orientation Is Illegal

By , , and | February 26, 2018

  • February 26, 2018 at 6:00 pm
    Cut the Bias says:
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    Good on the court for getting it right. Sexual orientation is definitely a necessary component of sex.

    Shame on AG Sessions’ record of hatred and those who seek to limit the protections for the maligned populace of gay and transgender Americans who are outsized victims of abuse and discrimination for what amounts to genetics and being exposed to a different level of testosterone in the womb than their nrighbors.

    The tide is changing and equality will eventually ring out nationwide. Just gotta vote out hatred.

    • February 27, 2018 at 1:50 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Dilly dilly! I couldn’t have said better myself, Cut the Bias. Cheers!

  • February 27, 2018 at 3:34 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    I don’t think that you should discriminate against the gays, so I agree with the ruling but disagree with the basis. Sex doesn’t mean straight or gay. Sex in this context is Male or Female.

    • February 27, 2018 at 4:07 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      sex =/= sexual orientation

  • February 27, 2018 at 4:58 pm
    Dave says:
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    Classic Judicial Activism. Congress hasn’t changed Title VII because they’re reflecting their constituencies. Isn’t it rather odd that the once Democratically controlled Congress didn’t team up with Pres Obama to get this changed? Don’t like the law? Vote new folks in who will change it. Its the American Way.

  • February 28, 2018 at 11:50 am
    moderate says:
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    I’m a Republican, but not a conservative. As a result I believe in what republican’s are supposed to believe, that every time the government passes a law it makes us all a little less free. As a result it pisses me off that republicans argue that the law congress passed should only give the specific rights listed. Law does not grant rights, EVER. You have every single right you can ever think of, except what specifically removed (see the unenumerated rights clause of the constitution). Even being a republican, not only do I feel the court made the right decision, but I would even go so far as to say that you could repeal Title VII and the result should have been the same thanks to the 14th Amendment. Republicans need to stop listening to conservatives. Conservative Republicans want a government just small enough to still be able to tell you who you can sleep with and defend those who tell you who you can sleep with or where you can work depending on who you sleep with. I want a federal government small enough to know that family, marriage, sex and sexual orientation management is not within congress’ constitutional powers. Stick with National defense, international trade and interstate commerce and stay out of people’s lives.

    • March 2, 2018 at 3:03 pm
      Eddie Hall says:
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      If you don’t want the government in your sex life quit putting it in my face. I don’t care who you sleep with, just shut up about it. Gays have equal rights but they’re not satisfied, they want preferential rights.

      • March 3, 2018 at 1:56 am
        Cut the Bias says:
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        Judging by your comment, you almost certainly do have a problem with Gay people.

        I have never read anything from one gay or transgender person looking for preferential treatment. They just want protection from hateful people such as yourself who would fire them from their jobs, harass them out of their neighborhoods, and prevent them from going after the American Dream. They want to be treated like white middle class people,ultimately. Isn’t that fair?

    • March 3, 2018 at 1:53 am
      Cut the Bias says:
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      Well said, friend. I totally agree. I would be a Republican again if they stuck to that, but instead it is the exact opposite. The sooner illogical evangelicals quit having an outsized say in the platform of the GOP, the sooner we will be back to having to rational schools is thought on opposite sides of the issues.

  • March 5, 2018 at 4:50 pm
    Ohio Agent says:
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    “As a result I believe in what republican’s are supposed to believe,” Exactly what is it that Republicans should believe in: Support the NRA, Support the Death Penalty but oppose abortion, gun control and entitlement programs? If life is sacred, how can one be for the death penalty that takes lives but not support life and programs to improve quality of life.

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