Congress to Extend Government Funding, Including Flood Program, Until Dec. 21

The House of Representatives today approved a two-week government spending bill and sent it to the Senate, which is expected to go along.

The measure would prevent a partial government shutdown by authorizing funding until Dec. 21.

The short-term funding resolution will also prevent a lapse of the National Flood Insurance Program by extending its authorization until Dec. 21, according to Charles Symington, senior vice president for external, industry and government affairs at the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (Big “I”).

On Nov. 29, the House and the Senate approved a seven-day extension of the insurance program that kept it from lapsing last week. That keeps the program operating until Dec. 7.

The Senate has passed six-month reauthorization (S3628) of the NFIP until May 31, 2019 but the House has not taken it up. that measure is sponsored by Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, who also voted today in favor of the continuing resolution to authorize funds through Dec. 21. Kennedy hopes the two-week period will give the House more time to vote on his six-month reauthorization.

“It would be downright stupid to shut down the government,” said Kennedy. “I’m willing to work all day, all night and weekends to ensure that the government is fully funded and that families in Louisiana can receive flood insurance. We have several federal departments and agencies that still need funding, and we need to be smart about the appropriations process. I think these two weeks will give us time to settle on fair and effective legislation to keep the lights on.”