Iran Increases Cyber Attacks on U.S. Gov’t, Infrastructure: Cyber Security Firms

By | June 24, 2019

  • June 24, 2019 at 1:22 pm
    craig cornell says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    From the article:

    “Tensions have escalated since the U.S. withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran last year and began a policy of maximum pressure.”

    (Insurance Journal spin: Bad Trump! Obama was getting along just fine with Iran, having bribed them with $150 billion to wait 10 years until he was long gone in order to build nukes. Never mind they used the money to foment war and terrorism and started cheating on the nuclear deal almost immediately.)”

    And then later in the article:

    “In 2016, the U.S. indicted Iranian hackers for a series of punishing cyber attacks on U.S. banks and a small dam outside of New York City.

    (Wait, WHAT? Apparently, Obama’s bribing didn’t work AT ALL!)

    • June 24, 2019 at 1:38 pm
      Get educated says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      It wasn’t a bribe. They were returning money that belonged to Iran, confiscated as a result of earlier sanctions. Several countries signed off on the deal. Several intelligence agencies confirmed up until the point that the US pulled out of the deal, that they were adhering to it. Keep drinking your Kool-Aid. I am sure your tin foil hat collection must be getting very large.

      And on your last “paragraph”, it appears that the Justice Dept, under Obama, was still willing to hold bad actors accountable.

      • June 24, 2019 at 6:58 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
        Hot debate. What do you think?
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        Okay, let’s say it was just “returning their money”.

        Which several Presidents refused to do until Obama did it. How did that work out? The Mullahs kept killing people with that money. They still sponsored terrorism. They still pursued their nuclear program. They still oppressed their own people and they DID spend that money on war and terror. And they did continue to cyber attack the United States.

        I guess for a liberal, that’s a winning deal.

        • June 25, 2019 at 12:06 pm
          Agent says:
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          Craig, saw where Cyber Command gave Iran a dose of their own medicine. We can wreak a whole lot more grief on them than they can to us.

        • June 25, 2019 at 2:37 pm
          Get Educated says:
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          Not everyone that disagrees with you is a liberal. Some of us just like to do actual research instead of parroting Fox News talking points, which is exactly what you are doing.

          Again, according to all parties responsible for holding Iran to the terms of the agreement, including our own intelligence agencies, agreed that Iran was doing their part.

          Was there room for a better deal? Absolutely. Is no deal better than a flawed deal? Sometimes, but as is evidenced by the escalation of tensions between the two countries ever since, probably not this time.

          But hey I guess what is happening right now is winning to the Trumpanzees.

          • June 26, 2019 at 1:40 pm
            Chris says:
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            Get Educated – Don’t you know that everyone that doesn’t agree with the Fox agenda is a liberal? Or should I say their favorite sobriquet; LIBTARD?

          • June 27, 2019 at 7:46 am
            Russians Hacked Last Nights Debate says:
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            Why would you resort to ‘Faux News Talking points’ instead of actually refuting what Iran did…. per international alliance (UN) monitors?

            The source of Craig’s comment is NOT ‘Faux News’, but the UN. Refute that instead of resorting to Straw Man arguments about something that isn’t relevant.

            Did you support Iraq violating 17 separate UN sanctions (that led to the US/UN alliance ouster of Saddam Hussein)?

          • June 27, 2019 at 12:32 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            The Deal was about Iranian production of nuclear weapons and nothing else from our side. Period. And even if they honored the deal, they only had to wait 10 years to do whatever they wanted with nuclear weapon production.

            And they spit in Obama’s face and used the 150 billion to foment war and terrorism. Good job, Barack!

            Did they cheat almost immediately? Yes. Are they hell-bent on building nukes. So we have a choice: do nothing to avoid “tensions” or do something.

            Obama was concerned enough to address the issue. Even he knew nukes in the hands of the Mullahs could result in the deaths of millions of innocents.

            So, what’s your plan? Wait? “Negotiate” like Obama did in order to buy time until you can dump the problem on someone else?

            Facts matter.

          • June 27, 2019 at 2:56 pm
            Get Educated says:
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            Hey Russian. What’s up? Not only did I support the “ouster of Saddam”, I joined the Marines and became a machine gunner because of it. Iran and Iraq are not the same place and you are talking about two completely different things. Thanks for playing.

      • June 27, 2019 at 7:35 am
        Russians Hacked Last Nights Debate says:
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        Prior sanction money was NOT owed back to Iran, you Fake News Monger! Iran violated numerous UN sanctions and Obama had NO RIGHT to circumvent the sanctions in the dead of night with laundered cash derived from US TAXPAYERS!

        If you believe IRAN was owed money due to sanctions for numerous international law violations, you are a terrorist sympathizer and anti-Semite. If you believe Obama was doing the ‘right thing’, explain why he did it in a secretive manner, with LAUNDERED CASH ON PALLETS DELIVERED VIA ‘INTERMEDIARIES’ (but was exposed due to someone with moral integrity)?

        Is that you, Jimmy? How’s your crop on your peanut farm these days?

      • June 27, 2019 at 8:51 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        Get educated,
        Thank you for bringing your truth and facts to the table. Facts matter!

  • June 25, 2019 at 8:49 pm
    Andrew G. Simpson says:
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  • June 28, 2019 at 8:50 am
    jsmooth says:
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    I wonder if we put the entire USA in a room (play along here) and actually discussed issues with one instead of attacking each other what would happen. This country has turned almost pre Civil-War like in the fighting between Democrats & Republicans. If we divided the country into two halves, there would be an argument over which party gets which half. Sensible debate and discussions solve more issues in an hour than being a keyboard warrior ever will. I don’t understand all the pure hate in this country. What is there to hate??? We have more freedoms than anyone else. Most of us live very comfortably. We have indoor plumbing and air conditioning. Sounds humorous, but some nations do not have those luxuries. We should have actual discussions, not the repeated arguing over which party is the “good” one. For the record, I was raised a Democrat and voted for Trump. In my opinion, of voting for both parties at one time or another, they aren’t much different. A handful of disagreements has everyone divided. Turn off the TV, stop listening to the radio talk show people who make millions dividing us and actually talk to your neighbor. Political discussions CAN be helpful. Fighting along strict party lines is absolutely stupid. I dislike some R’s and some D’s. I loved Reagan. I didn’t like Bush. I liked Clinton and voted for him, but didn’t like Hilary. The point is it’s time to stop judging these people by a few things they do instead of ALL they’ve done, on both sides.

    • June 28, 2019 at 10:32 am
      rob says:
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      God bless you, Smoov…this country needs more people like you in it. There is a lot more gray than black or white in this world.

      Never seen it this bad in our country before…it’s really turned me off politics and I can’t stand EITHER side. As it stands, I won’t be voting in 2020. I know that’s unAmerican, but if my choices are as bad as they were in 2016, I’m not going to waste my time or gas to get to the polls.

      Keep fighting your good fight, Smoov!

    • July 1, 2019 at 11:14 am
      Agent says:
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      Gee, smooth, you must have been watching the great Mark Levin since he sounds a lot like what you said. We are determined not to let the Progressive Socialists ruin this country as they pledge to do. Poor Rob doesn’t seem to know what is going on and said he wasn’t going to vote. That is very un-American, by the way.

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