Insurers Promote Federal Pandemic Insurance Plan to Congress

By | April 29, 2020

  • April 29, 2020 at 2:14 pm
    Boonedoggle says:
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    After the Saudi funded terrorist attacks on 9/11, the Federal Government created a facility for government provided victim compensation, holding the airlines and other security entities harmless from liability. Now, especially after Trump has signed an executive order freeing the meat packing industry from COVID-19 related liability, it is only appropriate that the government step forward to provide a means of compensation for victims barred from court house access.

    • April 30, 2020 at 11:23 am
      JaxAgent says:
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      Define “victims”. As in, are “victims” individuals or companies ?
      I would guess that establishing victims of a terrorist attack would be a lot easier than establishing victims of viral infection unless we’re talking about the companies that have been forced to close due to government mandates.
      While President Trump has given the meat packing industry immunity, I’m not sure who else based on what kind of alleged wrong would be headed to the courthouse anyway. I am glad that this immunity has been granted as it will keep trial lawyers from filing frivolous lawsuits designed to extort money from people and businesses. Pinning down where or how someone came in contact with coronavirus is probably impossible.

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