National Weather Service Sees La Niña Continuing Through March 2021

La Niña is likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter, with a 95% chance it will continue from January through March, according to the National Weather Service.

The meteorologists said a majority of models predict there is a 50% chance the weather system will neutralize during April to June.

La Niña is anticipated to affect climate across the United States during the upcoming months.

During a La Nina event, the changes in Pacific Ocean temperatures affect the patterns of tropical rainfall that in turn affect weather patterns throughout the world. These effects are usually strongest during the winter months when the jet stream is strongest over the United States.

La Nina episodes in the winter months feature a wave-like jet stream flow across the United States and Canada, which causes colder and stormier than average conditions across the North, and warmer and less stormier conditions across the south.