SIR Workshop to Focus on Customer and Market Knowledge

The Society of Insurance Research (SIR) announced that the theme for its limited-attendance 2003 summer workshop series from June 22 to 25 in Dallas, Texas will be “Turn your information into action.” The organization said with thousands of insurers now competing with one another for the best customers and hoping to avoid the worst risks, those with superior customer and market knowledge will have the most success.

Recognizing that some insurance professionals are responsible for developing information and that others are responsible for leveraging that information, the S.I.R. has developed two recommended tracks at the workshop. Following a welcoming reception on Sunday, June 22, both tracks start with Market Research: Discovery, Strategy and Implementation on June 23.

On June 24 and 25, the S.I.R. suggests that those responsible for hands-on research register for The Real World of Data Mining and Succeeding in a Geographic Market. The S.I.R. recommends that those responsible for leveraging information use Tuesday and Wednesday to participate in Knowledge Management: Creating an Informed Organization and Insurance Scoring: the Makings, Messaging and Marketing.

In keeping with the S.I.R.’s mission, each workshop will be skills- oriented, with a heavy emphasis on delivering actionable tools, techniques, and information enabling insurance professionals to enhance their effectiveness.

“This will be an extraordinary professional development event,” said Candace Curls, the S.I.R.’s vice president for Workshops. “I’m absolutely gratified that so many highly qualified research practitioners and industry executives have agreed to serve as faculty.”

Attendance at S.I.R. workshops is strictly limited to maximize their value to individual attendees. Act now to secure your place at these important opportunities for professional development.

For more details about the S.I.R. workshops and registration materials visit