Texas Apartment Association Program Earns $395K Comp Dividend

The Texas Apartment Association Workers’ Compensation Program has earned a 14 percent, or $395,000, dividend from Texas Mutual Insurance Company.

Program administrators Michael Whorton and Charles Garner of Whorton Insurance Services in Austin said $158,072 of the total dividend was distributed in August to the members of the program, which had a loss ratio in the low 20 percentile. The amount awarded in August was in addition to the policy dividend paid earlier by Texas Mutual.

This program is open to all members of the Texas Apartment Association who own, operate, or manage apartments or condominiums in Texas.

Members receive a 10.8 percent premium discount as well as a 12 percent credit for using the available health care network. This program is operated by Whorton and Garner with an endorsement from the Texas Apartment Association.

TAA members can join this open program through their current agent

Source: Whorton Insurance Services, www.whortonins.com