Policy Discount Offered for General Aviation Aircraft with Seatbelt Airbags

Irving, Texas-based Aggressive Insurance announced it will offer a premium discount to the owners and pilots of general aviation aircraft with seatbelt airbags on board.

A new participant in the aviation insurance business, Aggressive wants to attract pilots and plane owners who show concern for both flying safety and airplane maintenance by adopting new safety techniques and equipment.

Aggressive offers a 5 percent credit to the total premium of each aircraft equipped with seatbelt airbags installed according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards.

Aggressive’s aviation insurance program was launched in September 2009. Already in eight states, the company said it intends to serve customers nationwide within its first year of operation.

A seatbelt airbag is a self-contained, modular restraint designed to improve occupant protection from serious head-impact injury and to enhance one’s ability to exit the aircraft following an otherwise survivable accident. When sensors detect a crash, an airbag built into the restraint deploys up and away from the seat occupant – unlike automobile airbags which deploy toward the occupant.

The FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency rigorously test the devices, which add less than three pounds to existing restraint systems and issues specifications for installation.

Source: Aggressive Insurance, www.aggressiveaviation.com